Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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390 Chapter 7: Control of Gene Expression






activation surface


binding site

binding site for repressor

for activator



recruitment of




chromatin remodeling complex

remodeled nucleosomes


masking the





binding site binding site

for activator for repressor

binding site

for repressor

binding site

for activator


recruitment of



histone deacetylase


histone acetylation

direct interaction

with the general

transcription factors




recruitment of

histone methyl


histone methyl transferase

histone methylation

proteins that bind

to methylated histones

Figure 7–23 Six ways in which eukaryotic repressor proteins can operate. (A) Activator proteins and repressor proteins

compete for binding to the same regulatory DNA sequence. (B) Both proteins bind DNA, but the repressor prevents the

activator from carrying out its functions. (C) The repressor blocks assembly of the general transcription factors. (D) The repressor

recruits a chromatin remodeling complex, which returns the nucleosomal state of the promoter region to its pre-transcriptional

form. (E) The repressor attracts a histone deacetylase to the promoter. As we have seen, histone acetylation can stimulate

MBoC6 m7.50/7.24

transcription initiation (see Figure 7–20), and the repressor simply reverses this modification. (F) The repressor attracts a histone

methyl transferase, which modifies certain positions on histones by attaching methyl groups; the methylated histones, in turn,

are bound by proteins that maintain the chromatin in a transcriptionally silent form.

repress the transcription of genes. These transcription repressors can both depress

the rate of transcription below the default value and rapidly shut off genes that

were previously activated. We saw in Chapter 4 that large regions of the genome

can be shut down by the packaging of DNA into especially resistant forms of chromatin.

However, eukaryotic genes are rarely organized along the genome according

to function, and this strategy is not generally applicable for shutting off a set

of genes that work together. Instead, most eukaryotic repressors work on a geneby-gene

basis. Unlike bacterial repressors, eukaryotic repressors do not directly

compete with the RNA polymerase for access to the DNA; rather, they use a variety

of other mechanisms, some of which are illustrated in Figure 7–23. Although all

of these mechanisms ultimately block transcription by RNA polymerase, eukaryotic

transcription repressors typically act by bringing co-repressors to DNA. Like

transcription activation, transcription repression can act through more than one

mechanism at a given target gene, thereby ensuring especially efficient repression.

Gene repression is especially important to animals and plants whose growth

depends on elaborate and complex developmental programs. Misexpression of a

single gene at a critical time can have disastrous consequences for the individual.

For this reason, many of the genes encoding the most important developmental

regulatory proteins are kept tightly repressed when they are not needed.

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