Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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782 Chapter 14: Energy Conversion: Mitochondria and Chloroplasts


The large amount of free energy released when H + flows back into the matrix from

the cristae provides the basis for ATP production on the matrix side of mitochondrial

cristae membranes by a remarkable protein machine—the ATP synthase. The

ATP synthase functions like a miniature turbine, and it is a reversible device that can

couple proton flow to either ATP synthesis or ATP hydrolysis. The transmembrane

electrochemical gradient that drives ATP production in mitochondria also drives

the active transport of selected metabolites across the inner mitochondrial membrane,

including an efficient ADP/ATP exchange between the mitochondrion and

the cytosol that keeps the cell’s ATP pool highly charged. The resulting high cellular

concentration of ATP makes the free-energy change for ATP hydrolysis extremely

favorable, allowing this hydrolysis reaction to drive a very large number of energy-requiring

processes throughout the cell. The universal presence of ATP synthase

in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts testifies to the central importance of

chemiosmotic mechanisms in cells.


All animals and most microorganisms rely on the continual uptake of large

amounts of organic compounds from their environment. These compounds provide

both the carbon-rich building blocks for biosynthesis and the metabolic

energy for life. It is likely that the first organisms on the primitive Earth had access

to an abundance of organic compounds produced by geochemical processes, but

it is clear that these were used up billions of years ago. Since that time, virtually

all of the organic materials required by living cells have been produced by photosynthetic

organisms, including plants and photosynthetic bacteria. The core

machinery that drives all photosynthesis appears to have evolved more than 3 billion

years ago in the ancestors of present-day bacteria; today it provides the only

major solar energy storage mechanism on Earth.

The most advanced photosynthetic bacteria are the cyanobacteria, which have

minimal nutrient requirements. They use electrons from water and the energy of

sunlight to convert atmospheric CO 2 into organic compounds—a process called

carbon fixation. In the course of the overall reaction nH 2 O + nCO 2 → (light)

(CH 2 O) n + nO 2 , they also liberate into the atmosphere the molecular oxygen that

then powers oxidative phosphorylation. In this way, it is thought that the evolution

of cyanobacteria from more primitive photosynthetic bacteria eventually

made possible the development of the many different aerobic life-forms that populate

the Earth today.

Chloroplasts Resemble Mitochondria But Have a Separate

Thylakoid Compartment

Plants (including algae) developed much later than cyanobacteria, and their photosynthesis

occurs in a specialized intracellular organelle—the chloroplast (Figure

14–37). Chloroplasts use chemiosmotic mechanisms to carry out their energy

interconversions in much the same way that mitochondria do. Although much

larger than mitochondria, they are organized on the same principles. They have a

highly permeable outer membrane; a much less permeable inner membrane, in

which membrane transport proteins are embedded; and a narrow intermembrane

space in between. Together, these two membranes form the chloroplast envelope

(Figure 14–37D). The inner chloroplast membrane surrounds a large space called

the stroma, which is analogous to the mitochondrial matrix. The stroma contains

many metabolic enzymes and, as for the mitochondrial matrix, it is the place

where ATP is made by the head of an ATP synthase. Like the mitochondrion, the

chloroplast has its own genome and genetic system. The stroma therefore also

contains a special set of ribosomes, RNAs, and the chloroplast DNA.

An important difference between the organization of mitochondria and chloroplasts

is highlighted in Figure 14–38. The inner membrane of the chloroplast is

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