Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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992 Chapter 17: The Cell Cycle






arm without

kinetochore moves

away from pole

arm with

kinetochore moves

toward pole



or astral







motor proteins



from the pole. The switch between the two states may depend on the degree of

tension in the kinetochore. It has been proposed, for example, that, as chromosomes

move toward a spindle pole, an increasing polar ejection force generates

tension in the kinetochore nearest the pole, triggering a switch to the away-fromthe-pole

state and gradually resulting in the accumulation of chromosomes at the

equator of the spindle.


Figure 17–36 How opposing forces may

drive chromosomes to the metaphase

plate. (A) Evidence for a polar ejection

force that pushes chromosomes away

from the spindle poles toward the spindle

equator. In this experiment, a laser beam

severs a prometaphase chromosome

that is attached to a single pole by a

kinetochore microtubule. The part of

the severed chromosome without a

kinetochore is pushed rapidly away

from the pole, whereas the part with

the kinetochore moves toward the pole,

reflecting a decreased repulsion. (B) A

model of how two opposing forces may

cooperate to move chromosomes to the

metaphase plate. Plus-end-directed motor

proteins (kinesin-4 and kinesin-10) on the

chromosome arms are thought to interact

with microtubules to generate the polar

ejection force, which pushes chromosomes

toward the spindle equator (see Figure

17–25). Poleward forces generated by

depolymerization at the kinetochore,

together with microtubule flux, are thought

to pull chromosomes toward the pole.

The APC/C Triggers Sister-Chromatid Separation and the

Completion of Mitosis MBoC6 m17.42/17.36

After M-Cdk has triggered the complex processes leading up to metaphase, the

cell cycle reaches its climax with the separation of the sister chromatids at the

metaphase-to-anaphase transition (Figure 17–37). Although M-Cdk activity sets

the stage for this event, the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) discussed earlier

throws the switch that initiates sister-chromatid separation by ubiquitylating

several mitotic regulatory proteins and thereby triggering their destruction (see

Figure 17–15A).

During metaphase, cohesins holding the sister chromatids together resist the

poleward forces that pull the sister chromatids apart. Anaphase begins with the

sudden loss of sister-chromatid cohesion, which allows the sisters to separate

and move to opposite poles of the spindle. The APC/C initiates the process by

targeting the inhibitory protein securin for destruction. Before anaphase, securin


20 µm


Figure 17–37 Sister-chromatid separation at anaphase. In the transition from metaphase (A) to anaphase (B), sister chromatids suddenly

and synchronously separate and move toward opposite poles of the mitotic spindle—as shown in these light micrographs of Haemanthus (lily)

endosperm cells that were stained with gold-labeled antibodies against tubulin. (Courtesy of Andrew Bajer.)

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