Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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vaccinated people to wear masks. They also said there was no proof

that lockdowns reduced spread or death rates of ‘Covid-19’. Cultgofer

Wojcicki and her YouTube deleted the panel video ‘because it

included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global

health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks to prevent the

spread of Covid-19’. This ‘consensus’ refers to what the Cult tells the

World Health Organization to say and the WHO tells ‘local health

authorities’ to do. Wojcicki knows this, of course. The panellists

pointed out that censorship of scientific debate was responsible for

deaths from many causes, but Wojcicki couldn’t care less. She would

not dare go against what she is told and as a disgrace to humanity

she wouldn’t want to anyway. The UK government is seeking to pass

a fascist ‘Online Safety Bill’ to specifically target with massive fines

and other means non-censored video and social media platforms to

make them censor ‘lawful but harmful’ content like the Cult-owned

Facebook, Twi er, Google and YouTube. What is ‘lawful but

harmful’ would be decided by the fascist Blair-created Ofcom.

Another WEF obsession is a cyber-a ack on the financial system

and this is clearly what the Cult has planned to take down the bank

accounts of everyone – except theirs. Those that think they have

enough money for the Cult agenda not to ma er to them have got a

big lesson coming if they continue to ignore what is staring them in

the face. The World Economic Forum, funded by Gates and fronted

by Klaus Schwab, announced it would be running a ‘simulation’

with the Russian government and global banks of just such an a ack

called Cyber Polygon 2021. What they simulate – as with the ‘Covid’

Event 201 – they plan to instigate. The WEF is involved in a project

with the Cult-owned Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

called the WEF-Carnegie Cyber Policy Initiative which seeks to

merge Wall Street banks, ‘regulators’ (I love it) and intelligence

agencies to ‘prevent’ (arrange and allow) a cyber-a ack that would

bring down the global financial system as long planned by those that

control the WEF and the Carnegie operation. The Carnegie

Endowment for International Peace sent an instruction to First World

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