Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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discovery that may revolutionise science. He had discovered that

small bits of paper are alive, ‘well alive-ish’, can ‘infect’ houses, and

then reproduce themselves inside the house. The result was that this

explosion of growth in the paper inside the house causes the house

to explode, blowing it to smithereens. His evidence for this new

theory is that in the past months he had carefully examined many of

the houses in his neighbourhood and found almost no scraps of

paper on the lawns and surrounds of the house. There was an

occasional stray label, but nothing more. Then he would return to

these same houses a week or so later and with a few, not all of them,

particularly the old and decrepit ones, he found to his shock and

surprise they were li ered with stray bits of paper. He knew then

that the paper had infected these houses, made copies of itself, and

blew up the house. A young boy on a bicycle at one of the sites told

him he had seen a demolition crew using dynamite to explode the

house the previous week, but Cowan dismissed this as the idle

thoughts of silly boys because ‘I was on to something big’. He was

on to how ‘scientists’ mistake genetic material in the detoxifying

process for something they call a ‘virus’. Cowan said of his house

and paper story:

If this sounds crazy to you, it’s because it should. This scenario is obviously nuts. But consider

this admittedly embellished, for effect, current viral theory that all scientists, medical doctors

and virologists currently believe.

He takes the example of the ‘novel SARS-Cov2’ virus to prove the

point. First they take someone with an undefined illness called

‘Covid-19’ and don’t even a empt to find any virus in their sputum.

Never mind the scientists still describe how this ‘virus’, which they

have not located a aches to a cell receptor, injects its genetic

material, in ‘Covid’s’ case, RNA, into the cell. The RNA once inserted

exploits the cell to reproduce itself and makes ‘thousands, nay

millions, of copies of itself … Then it emerges victorious to claim its

next victim’:

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