Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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than one in a billion. And yet the majority of proteins present in cells do adopt

unique and stable conformations. How is this possible? The answer lies in natural

selection. A protein with an unpredictably variable structure and biochemical

activity is unlikely to help the survival of a cell that contains it. Such proteins would

therefore have been eliminated by natural selection through the enormously long

trial-and-error process that underlies biological evolution.

Because evolution has selected for protein function in living organisms, the

amino acid sequence of most present-day proteins is such that a single conformation

is stable. In addition, this conformation has its chemical properties finely

tuned to enable the protein to perform a particular catalytic or structural function

in the cell. Proteins are so precisely built that the change of even a few atoms in

one amino acid can sometimes disrupt the structure of the whole molecule so

severely that all function is lost. And, as discussed later in this chapter, when certain

rare protein misfolding accidents occur, the results can be disastrous for the

organisms that contain them.

Proteins Can Be Classified into Many Families

Once a protein had evolved that folded up into a stable conformation with useful

properties, its structure could be modified during evolution to enable it to

perform new functions. This process has been greatly accelerated by genetic

mechanisms that occasionally duplicate genes, allowing one gene copy to evolve

independently to perform a new function (discussed in Chapter 4). This type of

event has occurred very often in the past; as a result, many present-day proteins

can be grouped into protein families, each family member having an amino acid

sequence and a three-dimensional conformation that resemble those of the other

family members.

Consider, for example, the serine proteases, a large family of protein-cleaving

(proteolytic) enzymes that includes the digestive enzymes chymotrypsin, trypsin,

and elastase, and several proteases involved in blood clotting. When the protease

portions of any two of these enzymes are compared, parts of their amino acid

sequences are found to match. The similarity of their three-dimensional conformations

is even more striking: most of the detailed twists and turns in their

polypeptide chains, which are several hundred amino acids long, are virtually

identical (Figure 3–12). The many different serine proteases nevertheless have

distinct enzymatic activities, each cleaving different proteins or the peptide bonds

between different types of amino acids. Each therefore performs a distinct function

in an organism.

The story we have told for the serine proteases could be repeated for hundreds

of other protein families. In general, the structure of the different members of a




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Figure 3–12 A comparison of the

conformations of two serine proteases.

The backbone conformations of elastase

and chymotrypsin. Although only those

amino acids in the polypeptide chain

shaded in green are the same in the two

proteins, the two conformations are very

similar nearly everywhere. The active site of

each enzyme is circled in red; this is where

the peptide bonds of the proteins that

serve as substrates are bound and cleaved

by hydrolysis. The serine proteases derive

their name from the amino acid serine,

whose side chain is part of the active site

of each enzyme and directly participates

in the cleavage reaction. The two dots on

the right side of the chymotrypsin molecule

mark the new ends created when this

enzyme cuts its own backbone.

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