Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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alone with a woman that’s not their partner. Airhead celebrities have

as always played their virtue-signalling part in making this happen

with their gross exaggeration. For every monster like Harvey

Weinstein there are at least tens of thousands of men that don’t treat

women like that; but everyone must be branded the same and policy

changed for them as well as the monster. I am going to be using the

word ‘dehumanise’ many times in this chapter because that is what

the Cult is seeking to do and it goes very deep as we shall see. Don’t

let them kid you that social distancing is planned to end one day.

That’s not the idea. We are seeing more governments and companies

funding and producing wearable gadgets to keep people apart and

they would not be doing that if this was meant to be short-term. A

tech start-up company backed by GCHQ, the British Intelligence and

military surveillance headquarters, has created a social distancing

wrist sensor that alerts people when they get too close to others. The

CIA has also supported tech companies developing similar devices.

The wearable sensor was developed by Tended, one of a number of

start-up companies supported by GCHQ (see the CIA and DARPA).

The device can be worn on the wrist or as a tag on the waistband and

will vibrate whenever someone wearing the device breaches social

distancing and gets anywhere near natural human contact. The

company had a lucky break in that it was developing a distancing

sensor when the ‘Covid’ hoax arrived which immediately provided a

potentially enormous market. How fortunate. The government in

big-time Cult-controlled Ontario in Canada is investing $2.5 million

in wearable contact tracing technology that ‘will alert users if they

may have been exposed to the Covid-19 in the workplace and will

beep or vibrate if they are within six feet of another person’.

Facedrive Inc., the technology company behind this, was founded in

2016 with funding from the Ontario Together Fund and obviously

they, too, had a prophet on the board of directors. The human

surveillance and control technology is called TraceSCAN and would

be worn by the human cyborgs in places such as airports,

workplaces, construction sites, care homes and … schools.

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