Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1222 Chapter 22: Stem Cells and Tissue Renewal

1 day 5 days 60 days Figure 22–6 Lgr5-expressing stem cells

and their progeny in the small intestine.

The method shown in Figure 22–5 was

used here to mark single intestinal stem

cells and trace the fates of their progeny.

The Lgr5 gene encodes a member of the

family of G-protein-linked transmembrane

receptors, and it is expressed specifically

in stem cells near the crypt base. Because

the Lgr5 promoter was used to drive

expression of CreERT2, treatment with

a low dose of tamoxifen resulted in

occasional stem cells expressing LacZ.

These cells and all of their progeny could

subsequently be detected with a blue

histochemical stain. All of the blue cells in

these images derive from a single Lgr5-

expressing stem cell. After 60 days, the

blue progeny of this cell are seen to extend

The Two Daughters of a Stem Cell Do Not Always Have to

Become Different

If the number of stem cells in a crypt is to remain stable, each stem-cell division

must on average generate one daughter that remains a stem cell and one that

becomes committed to differentiation. In principle, this could be achieved in at

least two ways (Figure 22–7).

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One mechanism—the simplest at first sight—would be through asymmetric

division: processes internal to the dividing stem cell could distribute regulatory

factors asymmetrically to its two daughters, as occurs in Drosophila neuroblast

divisions (see Figure 21–36). The factors inherited by one daughter would cause it

to remain a stem cell, while those inherited by the other would drive it toward differentiation.

This strategy would guarantee that the original stem cell would give

rise to precisely one stem cell in every subsequent cell generation.

An alternative strategy would be based on a choice that each daughter makes

independently of its sister: in normal circumstances, each would have a 50% probability

of remaining as a stem cell and a 50% probability of commitment to differentiation.

Sometimes the two daughters of a stem cell would thus have opposite

fates, sometimes the same. The choice that each cell makes might either be stochastic,

like the flip of a coin, or governed by the environment in which the cell

finds itself. A strategy of independent choices is more flexible than that of strict

asymmetric division. In particular, environmental factors can control the balance

of probabilities, adjusting them in favor of the stem-cell option where more stem

cells are needed, as they often are, either for growth or for damage repair.

Clonal analysis gives a way to distinguish between the two strategies, since

they give quite different predictions as to the expected number of clones of different

sizes produced from individual stem cells (see Figure 22–7). For the gut, the

findings seem clear: the independent-choice theory fits the observations, and the

asymmetric-division theory does not.

Paneth Cells Create the Stem-Cell Niche

100 µm

There are about 15 Lgr5-expressing stem cells in each crypt. They are slim and

columnar, and they sit at the crypt base interspersed among the Paneth cells (see

Figure 22–6). This is the intestinal stem-cell niche: the Paneth cells generate signals,

including a strong Wnt signal, that act over a short range to maintain the

stem-cell state. Signal proteins from the connective tissue surrounding the crypt

base help to reinforce the localizing signal from the Paneth cells; Lgr5 itself is a

receptor for one of these proteins, called R-spondin.

In the intestine, it seems that the niche created by the Paneth cells has space

for only a limited number of stem cells, and when these divide, it is a random

all the way up a villus. These progeny

can be shown to include all types of

differentiated cells, as well as persistent

Lgr5-expressing cells at the crypt base.

This proves that Lgr5-expressing cells are

multipotent stem cells. (From N. Barker et

al., Nature 449:1003–1007, 2007. With

permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.)

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