Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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which it controls through ‘money’ creation and debt. Humans have

the creativity and Archons exploit that for their own benefit and

control while having none themselves. Archon Internet platforms

like Facebook claim joint copyright of everything that creative users

post and while Archontic minds like Zuckerberg may officially head

that company it will be human creatives on the staff that provide the

creative inspiration. When you have limitless ‘money’ you can then

buy other companies established by creative humans. Witness the

acquisition record of Facebook, Google and their like. Survey the

Archon-controlled music industry and you see non-creative dark

suit executives making their fortune from the human creativity of

their artists. The cases are endless. Research the history of people

like Gates and Zuckerberg and how their empires were built on

exploiting the creativity of others. Archon minds cannot create out of

nothing, but they are skilled (because they have to be) in what

Gnostic texts call ‘countermimicry’. They can imitate, but not

innovate. Sabbatians trawl the creativity of others through

backdoors they install in computer systems through their

cybersecurity systems. Archon-controlled China is globally infamous

for stealing intellectual property and I remember how Hong Kong,

now part of China, became notorious for making counterfeit copies

of the creativity of others – ‘countermimicry’. With the now

pervasive and all-seeing surveillance systems able to infiltrate any

computer you can appreciate the potential for Archons to vampire

the creativity of humans. Author John Lamb Lash wrote in his book

about the Nag Hammadi texts, Not In His Image:

Although they cannot originate anything, because they lack the divine factor of ennoia

(intentionality), Archons can imitate with a vengeance. Their expertise is simulation (HAL,

virtual reality). The Demiurge [Yaldabaoth] fashions a heaven world copied from the fractal

patterns [of the original] ... His construction is celestial kitsch, like the fake Italianate villa of a

Mafia don complete with militant angels to guard every portal.

This brings us to something that I have been speaking about since

the turn of the millennium. Our reality is a simulation; a virtual

reality that we think is real. No, I’m not kidding.

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