Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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744 Chapter 13: Intracellular Membrane Traffic

as well as many secreted hydrolytic enzymes, are synthesized as inactive precursors.

Proteolysis is necessary to liberate the active molecules from these precursor

proteins. The cleavages occur in the secretory vesicles and sometimes in the extracellular

fluid after secretion. Additionally, many of the precursor proteins have an

N-terminal pro-peptide that is cleaved off to yield the mature protein. These proteins

are synthesized as pre-pro-proteins, the pre-peptide consisting of the ER signal

peptide that is cleaved off earlier in the rough ER (see Figure 12–36). In other

cases, peptide signaling molecules are made as polyproteins that contain multiple

copies of the same amino acid sequence. In still more complex cases, a variety of

peptide signaling molecules are synthesized as parts of a single polyprotein that

acts as a precursor for multiple end products, which are individually cleaved from

the initial polypeptide chain. The same polyprotein may be processed in various

ways to produce different peptides in different cell types (Figure 13–66).

Why is proteolytic processing so common in the secretory pathway? Some

of the peptides produced in this way, such as the enkephalins (five-amino-acid

neuropeptides with morphine-like activity), are undoubtedly too short in their

mature forms to be co-translationally transported into the ER lumen or to include

the necessary signal for packaging into secretory vesicles. In addition, for secreted

hydrolytic enzymes—or any other protein whose activity could be harmful inside

the cell that makes it—delaying activation of the protein until it reaches a secretory

vesicle, or until after it has been secreted, has a clear advantage: the delay

prevents the protein from acting prematurely inside the cell in which it is synthesized.

Secretory Vesicles Wait Near the Plasma Membrane Until Signaled

to Release Their Contents

Once loaded, a secretory vesicle has to reach the site of secretion, which in some

cells is far away from the TGN. Nerve cells are the most extreme example. Secretory

proteins, such as peptide neurotransmitters (neuropeptides), which will be

released from nerve terminals at the end of the axon, are made and packaged into

secretory vesicles in the cell body. They then travel along the axon to the nerve

terminals, which can be a meter or more away. As discussed in Chapter 16, motor

proteins propel the vesicles along axonal microtubules, whose uniform orientation

guides the vesicles in the proper direction. Microtubules also guide transport

vesicles to the cell surface for constitutive exocytosis.

Whereas transport vesicles containing materials for constitutive release fuse

with the plasma membrane once they arrive there, secretory vesicles in the regulated

pathway wait at the membrane until the cell receives a signal to secrete, and

they then fuse. The signal can be an electrical nerve impluse (an action potential)

or an extracellular signal molecule, such as a hormone: in either case, it leads to a

transient increase in the concentration of free Ca 2+ in the cytosol.

For Rapid Exocytosis, Synaptic Vesicles Are Primed at the

Presynaptic Plasma Membrane

Nerve cells (and some endocrine cells) contain two types of secretory vesicles. As

for all secretory cells, these cells package proteins and neuropeptides in densecored

secretory vesicles in the standard way for release by the regulated secretory

pathway. In addition, however, they use another specialized class of tiny (≈50 nm

H 2 N








γ-lipotropin β-MSH β-endorphin




0.2 µm

Figure 13–65 Exocytosis of secretory

vesicles. The process is illustrated

schematically (top) and in an electron

micrograph that shows the release of

insulin from MBoC6 a secretory m13.66/13.66

vesicle of a

pancreatic β cell. (Courtesy of Lelio

Orci, from L. Orci, J.-D. Vassalli and

A. Perrelet, Sci. Am. 259:85–94, 1988.)

Figure 13–66 Alternative processing

pathways for the prohormone

polyprotein proopiomelanocortin. The

initial cleavages are made by proteases

that cut next to pairs of positively charged

amino acids (Lys-Arg, Lys-Lys, Arg-Lys,

or Arg-Arg pairs). Trimming reactions

then produce the final secreted products.

Different cell types produce different

concentrations of individual processing

enzymes, so that the same prohormone

precursor is cleaved to produce different

peptide hormones. In the anterior lobe

of the pituitary gland, for example, only

corticotropin (ACTH) and β-lipotropin

are produced from proopiomelanocortin,

whereas in the intermediate lobe of the

pituitary gland mainly α-melanocyte

stimulating hormone (α-MSH), γ-lipotropin,

β-MSH, and β-endorphin are produced—

α-MSH from ACTH and the other three

from β-lipotropin, as shown.

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