Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1162 Chapter 21: Development of Multicellular Organisms

throughout the life of the fly, long after the signals that induced and refined it have

disappeared. The segment borders will form at the posterior edge of each such

Engrailed stripe (Figure 21–22).

In addition to regulating the segment-polarity genes, the products of pair-rule

genes collaborate with those of gap genes to induce the precisely localized activation

of a further set of genes—originally called homeotic selector genes and now

often called Hox genes, for reasons that will become clear shortly. It is the Hox

genes that permanently distinguish one segment from another. In the next section,

we examine these important genes in detail and consider their role in cell

memory; we shall see that this role is critical in a wide range of animals, including


10-hour embryo

100 µm

Hox Genes Permanently Pattern the A-P Axis

As animal development proceeds, the body becomes more and more complex.

But again and again, in every species and at every level of organization, we find

that complex structures are made by repeating a few basic themes, with variations.

Thus, a limited number of basic differentiated cell types, such as muscle

cells or fibroblasts, recur with subtle individual variations in different sites. These

cell types are organized into a limited variety of tissue types, such as muscle

or tendon, which again are repeated with subtle variations in different regions

of the body. From the various tissues, organs such as teeth or digits are built—

molars and incisors, fingers and thumbs and toes—a few basic kinds of structure,

repeated with variations.

Wherever we find this phenomenon of modulated repetition, we can break

down the developmental biologist’s problem into two kinds of questions: what is

the basic construction mechanism common to all the objects of the given class,

and how is this mechanism modified to give the observed variations in different

animals? The segments of the insect body provide a good example. We have

thus far sketched the way in which the rudiment of a single body segment is constructed

and how cells within each segment become different from one another.

We now consider how one segment becomes determined, or specified, to be different

from another.

The first glimpse of the answer to this problem came over 80 years ago, with

the discovery of a set of mutations in Drosophila that cause bizarre disturbances

in the organization of the adult fly. In the Antennapedia mutant, for example, legs

sprout from the head in place of antennae, whereas in the Bithorax mutant, portions

of an extra pair of wings appear where normally there should be the much

smaller appendages called halteres (Figure 21–23). These mutations transform

parts of the body into structures appropriate to other positions, and they are

called homeotic mutations (from the Greek “homoios,” meaning similar) because

the transformation is between structures of a recognizably similar general type,

changing one kind of limb, or one kind of segment, into another. It was eventually

discovered that a whole set of genes, the homeotic selector genes, or Hox

genes, serve to permanently specify the A-P characters of the whole set of animal

segments. These genes are all related to one another as members of a multigene


There are eight Hox genes in the fly, and they all lie in one or the other of two

gene clusters known as the Bithorax complex and the Antennapedia complex.

wild type loss of Ubx gain of Ubx

(A) haltere (B) (C)


500 µm

Figure 21–22 The pattern of expression

of Engrailed, a segment-polarity gene.

The Engrailed pattern is shown in a 10-

hour embryo and an adult (whose wings

have been removed in this preparation).

The pattern is revealed by constructing

a strain of Drosophila containing the

control sequences of the Engrailed gene

coupled to the coding sequence of the

reporter LacZ, whose product is detected

histochemically through the brown product

generated by immunohistochemistry

against LacZ (10-hour embryo) or through

the blue product generated by a reaction

that LacZ catalyzes (adult). Note that the

Engrailed MBoC6 pattern, m22.41/22.22 once established, is

preserved throughout the animal’s life.

(Courtesy of Tom Kornberg.)

Figure 21–23 Homeotic mutations.

Ultrabithorax, or Ubx, is one of three

genes in the Bithorax gene complex (a

Hox gene cluster). Ubx is responsible for

all of the differences between the second

and third thoracic segments. (A, B) Ubx

loss-of-function mutations transform the

haltere-bearing segment (A) into a wingbearing

segment, resulting in four-winged

flies (B). (C) Ubx gain-of-function in the

second thoracic segment transforms

this wing-bearing segment into a halterebearing

segment, resulting in wingless flies.

(Courtesy of Richard Mann.)

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