Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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just because a country, location or people are a acked doesn’t mean

that those apparently representing that country, location or people

are not behind the a ackers. O en they are orchestrating the a acks

because of the societal changes that can be then justified in the name

of ‘saving the population from terrorists’.

I show in great detail in The Trigger how Sabbatian-Frankists were

the real perpetrators of 9/11 and not ‘19 Arab hijackers’ who were

blamed for what happened. Observe what was justified in the name

of 9/11 alone in terms of Middle East invasions, mass surveillance

and control that fulfilled the demands of the Project for the New

American Century document published by the Sabbatian Neocons.

What appear to be enemies are on the deep inside players on the

same Sabbatian team. Israel and Arab ‘royal’ dictatorships are all

ruled by Sabbatians and the recent peace agreements between Israel

and Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and others are

only making formal what has always been the case behind the

scenes. Palestinians who have been subjected to grotesque tyranny

since Israel was bombed and terrorised into existence in 1948 have

never stood a chance. Sabbatian-Frankists have controlled Israel (so

the constant theme of violence and war which Sabbatians love) and

they have controlled the Arab countries that Palestinians have

looked to for real support that never comes. ‘Royal families’ of the

Arab world in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, etc., are all Sabbatians

with allegiance to the aims of the cult and not what is best for their

Arabic populations. They have stolen the oil and financial resources

from their people by false claims to be ‘royal dynasties’ with a

genetic right to rule and by employing vicious militaries to impose

their will.

Satanic ‘illumination’

The Satanist Jacob Frank formed an alliance in 1773 with two other

Sabbatians, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the

Rothschild banking dynasty, and Jesuit-educated fraudulent Jew,

Adam Weishaupt, and this led to the formation of the Bavarian

Illuminati, firstly under another name, in 1776. The Illuminati would

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