Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Figure 22–33 A developing red blood cell (erythroblast). The cell is shown

extruding its nucleus to become an immature erythrocyte (a reticulocyte),

which then leaves the bone marrow and passes into the bloodstream. The

reticulocyte will lose its mitochondria and ribosomes within a day or two

to become a mature erythrocyte. Erythrocyte clones develop in the bone

marrow on the surface of a macrophage, which phagocytoses and digests

the nuclei discarded by the erythroblasts.


senescent erythrocytes in each of us each day. Young erythrocytes actively protect

themselves from this fate: they have a protein on their surface that binds to an

inhibitory receptor on macrophages and thereby prevents their phagocytosis.

A lack of oxygen or a shortage of erythrocytes stimulates specialized cells in the

kidney to synthesize and secrete increased amounts of erythropoietin into the

bloodstream. The erythropoietin, in turn, boosts the production of erythrocytes.

The effect is rapid: the rate of release of new erythrocytes into the bloodstream

rises steeply 1–2 days after an increase in erythropoietin levels in the bloodstream.

Clearly, the hormone must act on cells that are close precursors of the mature


The cells that respond to erythropoietin can be identified by culturing bone

marrow cells in a semisolid matrix in the presence of erythropoietin. In a few

days, colonies of about 60 erythrocytes appear, each founded by a single committed

erythroid progenitor cell. This progenitor depends on erythropoietin for

its survival as well as its proliferation. It does not yet contain hemoglobin, and it

is derived from an earlier type of committed erythroid progenitor whose survival

and proliferation are governed by other factors.

Multiple CSFs Influence Neutrophil and Macrophage Production

The two classes of cells dedicated to phagocytosis, neutrophils and macrophages,

develop from a common progenitor cell called a granulocyte/macrophage (GM)

progenitor cell. Like the other granulocytes (eosinophils and basophils), neutrophils

circulate in the blood for only a few hours before migrating out of capillaries

into the connective tissues or other specific sites, where they survive for only a few

days. They then die by apoptosis and are phagocytosed by macrophages. Macrophages,

in contrast, can persist for months or perhaps even years outside the

bloodstream, where they can be activated by local signals to resume proliferation.

At least seven distinct CSFs that stimulate neutrophil and macrophage colony

formation in culture have been defined, and some or all of these are thought to

act in different combinations to regulate the selective production of these cells

in vivo. These CSFs are synthesized by various cell types—including endothelial

cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and lymphocytes—and their concentration in

the blood typically increases rapidly in response to bacterial infection in a tissue,

thereby increasing the number of phagocytic cells released from the bone marrow

into the bloodstream.

The CSFs not only operate on the precursor cells to promote the production

of differentiated progeny, they also activate the specialized functions (such as

phagocytosis and target-cell killing) of the terminally differentiated cells. CSFs can

be synthesized artificially and are now widely used in human patients to stimulate

the regeneration of hematopoietic tissue and to boost resistance to infection.

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extruded nucleus

will be destroyed

The Behavior of a Hematopoietic Cell Depends Partly on Chance

CSFs are defined as factors that promote the production of colonies of differentiated

blood cells. But precisely what effect does a CSF have on an individual hematopoietic

cell? The factor might control the rate of cell division or the number of

division cycles that the progenitor cell undergoes before differentiating; it might

act late in the hematopoietic lineage to facilitate differentiation; it might act early

to influence commitment; or it might simply increase the probability of cell survival

(Figure 22–34). By monitoring the fate of isolated individual hematopoietic

cells in culture, it has been possible to show that a single CSF, such as granulocyte/

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