Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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governments, corporations and authorities of every kind. I have

spent more than 30 years uncovering and exposing this network that

I call the Global Cult and knowing its agenda is what has made my

books so accurate in predicting current and past events. Secret

societies are secret for a reason. They want to keep their hoarded

knowledge to themselves and their chosen initiates and to hide it

from the population which they seek through ignorance to control

and subdue. The whole foundation of the division between World 1

and World 2 is knowledge. What number 1 knows number 2 must not.

Knowledge they have worked so hard to keep secret includes (a) the

agenda to enslave humanity in a centrally-controlled global

dictatorship, and (b) the nature of reality and life itself. The la er (b)

must be suppressed to allow the former (a) to prevail as I shall be

explaining. The way the Cult manipulates and interacts with the

population can be likened to a spider’s web. The ‘spider’ sits at the

centre in the shadows and imposes its will through the web with

each strand represented in World number 2 by a secret society,

satanic or semi-secret group, and in World number 1 – the world of

the seen – by governments, agencies of government, law

enforcement, corporations, the banking system, media

conglomerates and Silicon Valley (Fig 1 overleaf). The spider and the

web connect and coordinate all these organisations to pursue the

same global outcome while the population sees them as individual

entities working randomly and independently. At the level of the

web governments are the banking system are the corporations are the

media are Silicon Valley are the World Health Organization working

from their inner cores as one unit. Apparently unconnected

countries, corporations, institutions, organisations and people are on

the same team pursuing the same global outcome. Strands in the web

immediately around the spider are the most secretive and exclusive

secret societies and their membership is emphatically restricted to

the Cult inner-circle emerging through the generations from

particular bloodlines for reasons I will come to. At the core of the

core you would get them in a single room. That’s how many people

are dictating the direction of human society and its transformation

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