Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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exon ~200




10–10 5 nucleotides nucleotides 10–10 5 nucleotides SR







5′ 3′


Chromatin Structure Affects RNA Splicing



Although it may seem at first counterintuitive, the way a gene is packaged into

chromatin can affect how the RNA transcript of that gene is ultimately spliced.

Nucleosomes tend to be positioned over exons (which are, on average, close to the

length of DNA in a nucleosome), MBoC6 and m6.33/6.32 it has been proposed that these act as “speed

bumps,” allowing the proteins responsible for exon definition to assemble on the

RNA as it emerges from the polymerase. In addition, changes in chromatin structure

are used to alter splicing patterns. There are two ways this can happen. First,

because splicing and transcription are coupled, the rate at which RNA polymerase

moves along DNA can affect RNA splicing. For example, if polymerase is moving

slowly, exon skipping (see Figure 6–30A) is minimized: assembly of the initial

spliceosome may be complete before an alternative choice of splice site even

emerges from the RNA polymerase. The nucleosomes in condensed chromatin

can cause polymerase to pause; the pattern of pauses in turn affects the extent of

RNA exposed at any given time to the splicing machinery.

There is a second and more direct way that chromatin structure can affect RNA

splicing. Although the details are not yet understood, specific histone modifications

attract components of the spliceosome, and, because the chromatin being

transcribed is in close association with the nascent RNA, these splicing components

can easily be transferred to the emerging RNA. In this way, certain types of

histone modifications can affect the final pattern of splicing.

Figure 6–32 The exon definition

hypothesis. According to this idea,

SR proteins bind to each exon sequence

in the pre-mRNA and thereby help to

guide the snRNPs to the proper intron/

exon boundaries. This demarcation of

exons by the SR proteins occurs cotranscriptionally,

beginning at the CBC

(cap-binding complex) at the 5ʹ end.

It has been proposed that a group of

proteins known as the heterogeneous

nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs)

may preferentially associate with intron

sequences, further helping the spliceosome

distinguish introns from exons. (Adapted

from R. Reed, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol.

12:340–345, 2000. With permission from


RNA Splicing Shows Remarkable Plasticity

We have seen that the choice of splice sites depends on such features of the premRNA

transcript as the strength of the three signals on the RNA (the 5ʹ and 3ʹ splice

junctions and the branch point) for the splicing machinery, the co-transcriptional

assembly of the spliceosome, chromatin structure, and the “bookkeeping” that

underlies exon definition. We do not know exactly how accurate splicing normally

is because, as we see later, there are several quality control systems that rapidly

destroy mRNAs whose splicing goes awry. However, we do know that, compared

with other steps in gene expression, splicing is unusually flexible.

Thus, for example, a mutation in a nucleotide sequence critical for splicing of

a particular intron does not necessarily prevent splicing of that intron altogether.

Instead, the mutation typically creates a new pattern of splicing (Figure 6–33).

Most commonly, an exon is simply skipped (Figure 6–33B). In other cases, the

mutation causes a cryptic splice junction to be efficiently used (Figure 6–33C).

Apparently, the splicing machinery has evolved to pick out the best possible pattern

of splice junctions, and if the optimal one is damaged by mutation, it will

seek out the next best pattern, and so on. This inherent plasticity in the process of

RNA splicing suggests that changes in splicing patterns caused by random mutations

have been important in the evolution of genes and organisms. It also means

that mutations that affect splicing can be severely detrimental to the organism:

in addition to the β thalassemia, example presented in Figure 6–33, aberrant

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