Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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160 Chapter 3: Proteins


protein 2

F-box protein

(substrate-binding arm)

E2 ubiquitinconjugating


target protein




protein 1




scaffold protein



two of many





protein targeted

for destruction



(B) (C) ubiquitin ligase


10 nm

In this manner, specific proteins are targeted for rapid destruction in response

to specific signals, thereby helping to drive the cell cycle (discussed in Chapter 17).

The timing of the destruction often involves creating a specific pattern of phosphorylation

on the target protein that is required for its recognition by the F-box

MBoC6 m3.79/3.66

subunit. It also requires the activation of an SCF ubiquitin ligase that carries the

appropriate substrate-binding arm. Many of these arms (the F-box subunits) are

interchangeable in the protein complex (see Figure 3–71B), and there are more

than 70 human genes that encode them.

As emphasized previously, once a successful protein has evolved, its genetic

information tends to be duplicated to produce a family of related proteins. Thus,

for example, not only are there many F-box proteins—making possible the recognition

of different sets of target proteins—but there is also a family of scaffolds

(known as cullins) that give rise to a family of SCF-like ubiquitin ligases.

A protein machine like the SCF ubiquitin ligase, with its interchangeable parts,

makes economical use of the genetic information in cells. It also creates opportunities

for “rapid” evolution, inasmuch as new functions can evolve for the entire

complex simply by producing an alternative version of one of its subunits.

Ubiquitin ligases form a diverse family of protein complexes. Some of these

complexes are far larger and more complicated than SCF, but their underlying

enzymatic function remains the same (Figure 3–71D).

A GTP-Binding Protein Shows How Large Protein Movements

Can Be Generated

Detailed structures obtained for one of the GTP-binding protein family members,

the EF-Tu protein, provide a good example of how allosteric changes in protein

conformations can produce large movements by amplifying a small, local conformational

change. As will be discussed in Chapter 6, EF-Tu is an abundant molecule

that serves as an elongation factor (hence the EF) in protein synthesis, loading

each aminoacyl-tRNA molecule onto the ribosome. EF-Tu contains a Ras-like

domain (see Figure 3–67), and the tRNA molecule forms a tight complex with its

GTP-bound form. This tRNA molecule can transfer its amino acid to the growing

Figure 3–71 The structure and mode of

action of an SCF ubiquitin ligase. (A) The

structure of the five-protein ubiquitin ligase

complex that includes an E2 ubiquitinconjugating

enzyme. Four proteins form the

E3 portion. The protein denoted here as

adaptor protein 1 is the Rbx1/Hrt1 protein,

adaptor protein 2 is the Skp1 protein, and

the cullin is the Cul1 protein. One of the

many different F-box proteins completes

the complex. (B) Comparison of the same

complex with two different substrate-binding

arms, the F-box proteins Skp2 (top) and

β-trCP1 (bottom), respectively. (C) The

binding and ubiquitylation of a target protein

by the SCF ubiquitin ligase. If, as indicated,

a chain of ubiquitin molecules is added to

the same lysine of the target protein, that

protein is marked for rapid destruction by the

proteasome. (D) Comparison of SCF (bottom)

with a low-resolution electron microscopy

structure of a ubiquitin ligase called the

anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C; top)

at the same scale. The APC/C is a large,

15-protein complex. As discussed in Chapter

17, its ubiquitylations control the late stages

of mitosis. It is distantly related to SCF and

contains a cullin subunit (green) that lies along

the side of the complex at right, only partly

visible in this view. E2 proteins are not shown

here, but their binding sites are indicated in

orange, along with substrate-binding sites

in purple. (A and B, adapted from G. Wu

et al., Mol. Cell 11:1445–1456, 2003. With

permission from Elsevier; D, adapted from

P. da Fonseca et al., Nature 470:274–278,

2011. With permission from Macmillan

Publishers Ltd.)

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