Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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transcription’ can convert RNA into DNA and be integrated into

DNA in the cell nucleus. This was highlighted in December, 2020, by

scientists at Harvard and Massachuse s Institute of Technology

(MIT). Geneticists report that more than 40 percent of mammalian

genomes results from reverse transcription. On the most basic level

if messaging changes then that sequence must lead to changes in

DNA which is receiving and transmi ing those communications.

How can introducing synthetic material into cells not change the

cells where DNA is located? The process is known as transfection

which is defined as ‘a technique to insert foreign nucleic acid (DNA

or RNA) into a cell, typically with the intention of altering the

properties of the cell’. Researchers at the Sloan Ke ering Institute in

New York found that changes in messenger RNA can deactivate

tumour-suppressing proteins and thereby promote cancer. This is

what happens when you mess with messaging. ‘Covid vaccine’

maker Moderna was founded in 2010 by Canadian stem cell

biologist Derrick J. Rossi a er his breakthrough discovery in the field

of transforming and reprogramming stem cells. These are neutral

cells that can be programmed to become any cell including sperm

cells. Moderna was therefore founded on the principle of genetic

manipulation and has never produced any vaccine or drug before its

genetically-manipulating synthetic ‘Covid’ shite. Look at the name –

Mode-RNA or Modify-RNA. Another important point is that the US

Supreme Court has ruled that genetically-modified DNA, or

complementary DNA (cDNA) synthesized in the laboratory from

messenger RNA, can be patented and owned. These psychopaths are

doing this to the human body.

Cells replicate synthetic mRNA in the ‘Covid vaccines’ and in

theory the body is tricked into making antigens which trigger

antibodies to target the ‘virus spike proteins’ which as Dr Tom

Cowan said have never been seen. Cut the crap and these ‘vaccines’

deliver self-replicating synthetic material to the cells with the effect of

changing human DNA. The more of them you have the more that

process is compounded while synthetic material is all the time selfreplicating.

‘Vaccine’-maker Moderna describes mRNA as ‘like

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