Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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304 Chapter 6: How Cells Read the Genome: From DNA to Protein

base-pairing. In this way, the growing RNA chain is extended by one nucleotide

at a time in the 5ʹ-to-3ʹ direction (Figure 6–9). The substrates are ribonucleoside

triphosphates (ATP, CTP, UTP, and GTP); as in DNA replication, the hydrolysis of

high-energy bonds provides the energy needed to drive the reaction forward (see

Figure 5–4 and Movie 6.2).

The almost immediate release of the RNA strand from the DNA as it is synthesized

means that many RNA copies can be made from the same gene in a relatively

short time, with the synthesis of additional RNA molecules being started before

the previous RNA molecules are completed (Figure 6–10). When RNA polymerase

molecules follow hard on each other’s heels in this way, each moving at about

50 nucleotides per second, over a thousand transcripts can be synthesized in an

hour from a single gene.

Although RNA polymerase catalyzes essentially the same chemical reaction as

DNA polymerase, there are some important differences between the activities of

the two enzymes. First, and most obviously, RNA polymerase catalyzes the linkage

of ribonucleotides, not deoxyribonucleotides. Second, unlike the DNA polymerases

involved in DNA replication, RNA polymerases can start an RNA chain

without a primer. This difference is thought possible because transcription need

not be as accurate as DNA replication (see Table 5–1, p. 244). RNA polymerases

make about one mistake for every 10 4 nucleotides copied into RNA (compared

with an error rate for direct copying by DNA polymerase of about one in 10 7 nucleotides);

and the consequences of an error in RNA transcription are much less significant

as RNA does not permanently store genetic information in cells. Finally,

unlike DNA polymerases, which make their products in segments that are later

stitched together, RNA polymerases are absolutely processive; that is, the same

RNA polymerase that begins an RNA molecule must finish it without dissociating

from the DNA template.

Although not nearly as accurate as the DNA polymerases that replicate DNA,

RNA polymerases nonetheless have a modest proofreading mechanism. If an

incorrect ribonucleotide is added to the growing RNA chain, the polymerase can

back up, and the active site of the enzyme can perform an excision reaction that

resembles the reverse of the polymerization reaction, except that a water molecule

replaces the pyrophosphate and a nucleoside monophosphate is released.

Given that DNA and RNA polymerases both carry out template-dependent

nucleotide polymerization, it might be expected that the two types of enzymes

would be structurally related. However, x-ray crystallographic studies reveal that,

other than containing a critical Mg 2+ ion at the catalytic site, the two enzymes are

quite different. Template-dependent nucleotide-polymerizing enzymes seem to

have arisen at least twice during the early evolution of cells. One lineage led to the

newly synthesized

RNA transcript



DNA strand



Mg 2+ at

active site

RNA polymerase

short region of

DNA/RNA helix


triphosphate uptake



DNA double helix



direction of



5′ 3′

3′ 5′

template strand



5′ 3′

Figure 6–8 DNA transcription produces

a single-stranded RNA molecule that

is complementary to one strand of the

DNA double helix. Note that the sequence

of bases in the RNA molecule produced is

the same as the sequence of bases in the

non-template DNA strand, except that a U

replaces every T MBoC6 base m6.07/6.07

in the DNA.

Figure 6–9 DNA is transcribed by the

enzyme RNA polymerase. The RNA

polymerase (pale blue) moves stepwise

along the DNA, unwinding the DNA helix

at its active site indicated by the Mg 2+

(red), which is required for catalysis.

As it progresses, the polymerase adds

nucleotides one by one to the RNA chain at

the polymerization site, using an exposed

DNA strand as a template. The RNA

transcript is thus a complementary copy of

one of the two DNA strands. A short region

of DNA/RNA helix (approximately nine

nucleotide pairs in length) is formed only

transiently, and a “window” of DNA/RNA

helix therefore moves along the DNA with

the polymerase as the DNA double helix

reforms behind it. The incoming nucleotides

are in the form of ribonucleoside

triphosphates (ATP, UTP, CTP, and GTP),

and the energy stored in their phosphate–

phosphate bonds provides the driving

force for the polymerization reaction (see

Figure 5–4). The figure, based on an x-ray

crystallographic structure, shows a cutaway

view of the polymerase: the part

facing the viewer has been sliced away

to reveal the interior (Movie 6.3).

(Adapted from P. Cramer et al., Science

288:640–649, 2000; PDB code: 1HQM.)

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