Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1112 Chapter 20: Cancer

attributed to chromosome breakage and rejoining. Systematic surveys of the protein-coding

genes in common solid tumors—such as those of the breast, colon,

brain, or pancreas—have revealed that an average of 33 to 66 genes have undergone

somatic mutation affecting the sequence of their protein product. Mutations

in noncoding regions of the genome are much more numerous, as one would

expect from the much larger fraction of the genome that noncoding DNA represents.

But they are considerably more difficult to interpret.

The high frequency of mutations testifies to the genetic instability of many

cancer cells, but it leaves us with a difficult problem. How can we discover which

of the mutations are drivers of cancer—that is, causal factors in the development

of the disease—and which are merely passengers—mutations that happen to

have occurred in the same cell as the driver mutations, thanks to genetic instability,

but are irrelevant to the development of the disease? A simple criterion is

based on frequency of occurrence. Driver mutations affecting a gene that plays a

part in the disease will be seen repeatedly, in many different patients. In contrast,

passenger mutations, occurring at more-or-less random locations in the genome

and conferring no selective advantage on the cancer cell, are unlikely to be found

in the same genes in different patients.

Figure 20–25 shows the results of an analysis of this sort for a large sample

of colorectal cancers. The different sites in the genome are laid out on a two-dimensional

array, with chromosome serial number along one axis and position

within each chromosome along the other. The frequency with which mutations

are encountered is shown by height above this plane, creating a mutation “landscape”

with mountains (sites where mutations are found in a large proportion of

the tumors in the sample), hills (where mutations are found less frequently but

still more often than would be expected for a random scattering over the genome),

and hillocks (sites of occasional mutations, occurring at a frequency no higher

than would be expected for mutations scattered at random in each individual

tumor). The mountains and the hills are strong candidates to be the sites of driver

mutations—in other words, sites of cancer-critical genes; the hillocks are likely to

correspond to passengers. Indeed, many of the mountains and hills turn out to be

sites of known oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes, whereas the hillocks mostly

correspond to genes that have no known or probable role in causation of cancer.

Of course, some hillocks may correspond to genes that are mutated in only a few

rare patients but are nevertheless cancer-critical for them.

About One Percent of the Genes in the Human Genome Are


From studies such as the one just described, it is estimated that the number of

driver mutations for an individual case of cancer (the sum of meaningful epigenetic

and genetic changes in both coding sequences and regulatory regions) is typically

on the order of 10, explaining why cancer progression generally involves an

increase in genetic and/or epigenetic instability that enhances the rate of such


PIK3CA FBXW7 p53 K-Ras

gene position along chromosome

chromosomes 1 to X


Figure 20–25 The mutation landscape in

colorectal cancer. In this two-dimensional

representation of the human genome,

the green surface depicts the 22 human

autosomes plus the X sex chromosome

as being laid out side-by-side in numerical

order from left to right, with the DNA

sequence of each chromosome running

from back to front. The mountains

represent the locations of genes

mutated with high frequency in different,

independent tumors. As indicated, these

are suspected driver mutations in the

adenomatous polyposis coli (APC), K-Ras,

p53, phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PIK3CA),

and ubiquitin ligase (FBXW7) proteins.

(Adapted from L.D. Wood et al., Science

318:1108–1113, 2007.)

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