Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Documents show that the EU’s European Commission was moving

towards ‘vaccine certificates’ in 2018 and 2019 before the ‘Covid’

hoax began. They knew what was coming. Abracadabra – Ursula

von der Leyen, the German President of the Commission,

announced in March, 2021, an EU ‘Digital Green Certificate’ – green

again – to track the public’s ‘Covid status’. The passport sting is

worldwide and the Far East followed the same pa ern with South

Korea ruling that only those with ‘vaccination’ passports – again the

green pass – would be able to ‘return to their daily lives’.

Bill Gates has been preparing for this ‘passport’ with other Cult

operatives for years and beyond the paper version is a Gates-funded

‘digital ta oo’ to identify who has been vaccinated and who hasn’t.

The ‘ta oo’ is reported to include a substance which is externally

readable to confirm who has been vaccinated. This is a bio-luminous

light-generating enzyme (think fireflies) called … Luciferase. Yes,

named a er the Cult ‘god’ Lucifer the ‘light bringer’ of whom more

to come. Gates said he funded the readable ta oo to ensure children

in the developing world were vaccinated and no one was missed out.

He cares so much about poor kids as we know. This was just the

cover story to develop a vaccine tagging system for everyone on the

planet. Gates has been funding the ID2020 ‘alliance’ to do just that in

league with other lovely people at Microso , GAVI, the Rockefeller

Foundation, Accenture and IDEO.org. He said in interviews in

March, 2020, before any ‘vaccine’ publicly existed, that the world

must have a globalised digital certificate to track the ‘virus’ and who

had been vaccinated. Gates knew from the start that the mRNA

vaccines were coming and when they would come and that the plan

was to tag the ‘vaccinated’ to marginalise the intelligent and stop

them doing anything including travel. Evil just doesn’t suffice. Gates

was exposed for offering a $10 million bribe to the Nigerian House

of Representatives to invoke compulsory ‘Covid’ vaccination of all

Nigerians. Sara Cunial, a member of the Italian Parliament, called

Gates a ‘vaccine criminal’. She urged the Italian President to hand

him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against

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