Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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This brings us to the third requirement: the therapy—the choice of drugs to

be given in combination—must be tailored to the individual patient. Here, too,

the prospects are bright. Cancers evolve by a fundamentally random process,

and each patient is different; but modern methods of genome analysis now let us

characterize the cells from a tumor biopsy in exhaustive detail so as to discover

which cancer-critical genes are affected in a particular case. Admittedly, this is

not straightforward: the tumor cells in an individual patient are heterogeneous

and do not all contain the same genetic lesions. With increased understandings of

the pathways of cancer evolution, however, and with the experience gained from

many different cases, it should become possible to make good guesses at the optimal

therapies to use.

From the perspective of the patient, the pace of advance in cancer research

can seem frustratingly slow. Each new drug has to be tested in the clinic, first for

safety and then for efficacy, before it can be released for general use. And if the

drug is to be used in combination with others, the combination therapy must then

go through the same long process. Strict ethical rules constrain the conduct of

trials, which means that they take time—typically several years. But slow and cautious

steps, taken systematically in the right direction, can lead to great advances.

There is still far to go, but the examples that we have discussed provide proof of

principle and grounds for optimism.

From the cancer research effort, we have learned a great deal of what we know

about the molecular biology of the normal cell. Now, more and more, we are discovering

how to put that knowledge to use in the battle with cancer itself.


Our growing understanding of the cell biology of cancers has already begun to lead

to better ways of preventing, diagnosing, and treating these diseases. Anticancer

therapies can be designed to destroy cancer cells preferentially by exploiting the

properties that distinguish cancer cells from normal cells, including the cancer cells’

dependence on oncogenic proteins and the defects they harbor in their DNA repair

mechanisms. We now have good evidence that, by increasing our understanding

of normal cell control mechanisms and exactly how they are subverted in specific

cancers, we can eventually devise drugs to kill cancers precisely by attacking specific

molecules critical for the growth and survival of the cancer cells. In addition, great

progress has recently been made through sophisticated immunological approaches

to cancer therapy. And, as we become better able to determine which genes are

altered in the cells of any given tumor, we can begin to tailor treatments more accurately

to each individual patient.

What we don’t know

• What is required to enable a cancer

cell to metastasize?

• How can the molecular analysis of

an individual tumor be more effectively

used to design effective therapies to

kill it?

• Can we identify general features

common to all cancer cells—such as

their production of misfolded, mutated

proteins—that can be used for the

targeted destruction of many different

types of cancers?

• Can sensitive and reliable blood tests

be devised to detect cancers very

early, before they have grown to a size

where treatment with a single drug will

generally be defeated by the survival of

a preexisting resistant variant?

• How can the observed

environmental effects on cancer rates

be exploited to reduce avoidable


• Can new technologies be devised

to reveal exactly how a quiescent

micrometastasis converts to a fullblown

metastatic tumor?


Which statements are true? Explain why or why not.

20–1 The chemical carcinogen dimethylbenz[a]anthracene

(DMBA) must be an extraordinarily specific mutagen

since 90% of the skin tumors it causes have an A-to-T alteration

at exactly the same site in the mutant Ras gene.

20–2 In the cellular regulatory pathways that control

cell growth and proliferation, the products of oncogenes

are stimulatory components and the products of tumor

suppressor genes are inhibitory components.

20–3 Cancer therapies directed solely at killing the rapidly

dividing cells that make up the bulk of a tumor are

unlikely to eliminate the cancer from many patients.

20–4 The main environmental causes of cancer are the

products of our highly industrialized way of life such as

pollution and food additives.

Discuss the following problems.

20–5 In contrast to colon cancer, whose incidence

increases dramatically with age, incidence of osteosarcoma—a

tumor that occurs most commonly in the long

bones—peaks during adolescence. Osteosarcomas are relatively

rare in young children (up to age 9) and in adults

(over 20). Why do you suppose that the incidence of osteosarcoma

does not show the same sort of age-dependence

as colon cancer?

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