Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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so anti-human because it is not human. It embarked on a mission to

destroy human by targeting everything that it means to be human

and to survive as human. ‘Covid’ is not the end, just a means to an

end. The Cult with its Wetiko consciousness is seeking to change

Earth systems, including the atmosphere, to suit them, not humans.

The gathering bombardment of 5G alone from ground and space is

dramatically changing The Field with which the five senses interact.

There is so much more to come if we sit on our hands and hope it

will all go away. It is not meant to go away. It is meant to get ever

more extreme and we need to face that while we still can – just.

Carbon dioxide is the gas of life. Without that human is over.

Kaput, gone, history. No natural world, no human. The Cult has

created a cock and bull story about carbon dioxide and climate

change to justify its reduction to the point where Gates and the

ignoramus Biden ‘climate chief’ John Kerry want to suck it out of the

atmosphere. Kerry wants to do this because his master Gates does.

Wetikos have made the gas of life a demon with the usual support

from the Wokers of Extinction Rebellion and similar organisations

and the bewildered puppet-child that is Greta Thunberg who was

put on the world stage by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic

Forum. The name Extinction Rebellion is both ironic and as always

Wetiko inversion. The gas that we need to survive must be reduced

to save us from extinction. The most basic need of human is oxygen

and we now have billions walking around in face nappies depriving

body and brain of this essential requirement of human existence.

More than that 5G at 60 gigahertz interacts with the oxygen

molecule to reduce the amount of oxygen the body can absorb into

the bloodstream. The obvious knock-on consequences of that for

respiratory and cognitive problems and life itself need no further

explanation. Psychopaths like Musk are assembling a global system

of satellites to deluge the human atmosphere with this insanity. The

man should be in jail. Here we have two most basic of human needs,

oxygen and carbon dioxide, being dismantled.

Two others, water and food, are ge ing similar treatment with the

United Nations Agendas 21 and 2030 – the Great Reset – planning to

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