Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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These are all dots in the same picture as are all the personal

assistants, gadgets and children’s toys through which kids and

adults communicate with AI as if it is human. The AI ‘voice’ on Sat-

Nav should be included. All these things are psychological

preparation for the Cult endgame. Before you can make a physical

connection with AI you have to make a psychological connection

and that is what people are being conditioned to do with this ever

gathering human-AI interaction. Movies and TV programmes

depicting the transhuman, robot dystopia relate to a phenomenon

known as ‘pre-emptive programming’ in which the world that is

planned is portrayed everywhere in movies, TV and advertising.

This is conditioning the conscious and subconscious mind to become

familiar with the planned reality to dilute resistance when it

happens for real. What would have been a shock such is the change

is made less so. We have young children put on the road to

transgender transition surgery with puberty blocking drugs at an

age when they could never be able to make those life-changing


Rachel Levine, a professor of paediatrics and psychiatry who

believes in treating children this way, became America’s highestranked

openly-transgender official when she was confirmed as US

Assistant Secretary at the Department of Health and Human

Services a er being nominated by Joe Biden (the Cult). Activists and

governments press for laws to deny parents a say in their children’s

transition process so the kids can be isolated and manipulated into

agreeing to irreversible medical procedures. A Canadian father

Robert Hoogland was denied bail by the Vancouver Supreme Court

in 2021 and remained in jail for breaching a court order that he stay

silent over his young teenage daughter, a minor, who was being

offered life-changing hormone therapy without parental consent. At

the age of 12 the girl’s ‘school counsellor’ said she may be

transgender, referred her to a doctor and told the school to treat her

like a boy. This is another example of state-serving schools imposing

ever more control over children’s lives while parents have ever less.

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