Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Sultan gave him the choice of proving his ‘divinity’, converting to

Islam or facing torture and death. Funnily enough Zevi chose to

convert or at least appear to. Some of his supporters were

disillusioned and dri ed away, but many did not with 300 families

also converting – only in theory – to Islam. They continued behind

this Islamic smokescreen to follow the goals, rules and rituals of

Sabbatianism and became known as ‘crypto-Jews’ or the ‘Dönmeh’

which means ‘to turn’. This is rather ironic because they didn’t ‘turn’

and instead hid behind a fake Islamic persona. The process of

appearing to be one thing while being very much another would

become the calling card of Sabbatianism especially a er Zevi’s death

and the arrival of the Satanist Jacob Frank in the 18th century when

the cult became Sabbatian-Frankism and plumbed still new depths

of depravity and infiltration which included – still includes – human

sacrifice and sex with children. Wherever Sabbatians go paedophilia

and Satanism follow and is it really a surprise that Hollywood is so

infested with child abuse and Satanism when it was established by

Sabbatian-Frankists and is still controlled by them? Hollywood has

been one of the prime vehicles for global perceptual programming

and manipulation. How many believe the version of ‘history’

portrayed in movies when it is a travesty and inversion (again) of the

truth? Rabbi Marvin Antelman describes Frankism in his book, To

Eliminate the Opiate, as ‘a movement of complete evil’ while Jewish

professor Gershom Scholem said of Frank in The Messianic Idea in

Judaism: ‘In all his actions [he was] a truly corrupt and degenerate

individual ... one of the most frightening phenomena in the whole of

Jewish history.’ Frank was excommunicated by traditional rabbis, as

was Zevi, but Frank was undeterred and enjoyed vital support from

the House of Rothschild, the infamous banking dynasty whose

inner-core are Sabbatian-Frankists and not Jews. Infiltration of the

Roman Church and Vatican was instigated by Frank with many

Dönmeh ‘turning’ again to convert to Roman Catholicism with a

view to hijacking the reins of power. This was the ever-repeating

modus operandi and continues to be so. Pose as an advocate of the

religion, culture or country that you want to control and then

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