Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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where the government published plans in January, 2021, to ‘cultivate

masculinity’ in boys from kindergarten through to high school in the

face of a ‘masculinity crisis’. A government adviser said boys would

be soon become ‘delicate, timid and effeminate’ unless action was

taken. Don’t expect any similar policy in the targeted West. A 2006

study showed that a 65-year-old man in 2002 had testosterone levels

15 percent lower than a 65-year-old man in 1987 while a 2020 study

found a similar story with young adults and adolescents. Men are

ge ing prescriptions for testosterone replacement therapy which

causes an even greater drop in sperm count with up to 99 percent

seeing sperm counts drop to zero during the treatment. More sperm

is defective and malfunctioning with some having two heads or not

pursuing an egg.

A class of synthetic chemicals known as phthalates are being

blamed for the decline. These are found everywhere in plastics,

shampoos, cosmetics, furniture, flame retardants, personal care

products, pesticides, canned foods and even receipts. Why till

receipts? Everyone touches them. Let no one delude themselves that

all this is not systematic to advance the long-time agenda for human

body transformation. Phthalates mimic hormones and disrupt the

hormone balance causing testosterone to fall and genital birth

defects in male infants. Animals and fish have been affected in the

same way due to phthalates and other toxins in rivers. When fish

turn gay or change sex through chemicals in rivers and streams it is

a pointer to why there has been such an increase in gay people and

the sexually confused. It doesn’t ma er to me what sexuality people

choose to be, but if it’s being affected by chemical pollution and

consumption then we need to know. Does anyone really think that

this is not connected to the transgender agenda, the war on men and

the condemnation of male ‘toxic masculinity’? You watch this being

followed by ‘toxic femininity’. It’s already happening. When

breastfeeding becomes ‘chest-feeding’, pregnant women become

pregnant people along with all the other Woke claptrap you know

that the world is going insane and there’s a Cult scam in progress.

Transgender activists are promoting the Cult agenda while Cult

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