Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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It seems that the order in which replication origins are activated depends, in

part, on the chromatin structure in which the origins reside. We saw in Chapter

4 that heterochromatin is a particularly condensed state of chromatin, while

euchromatin, where most transcription occurs, has a less condensed conformation.

Heterochromatin tends to be replicated very late in S phase, suggesting that

the timing of replication is related to the packing of the DNA in chromatin.

Once initiated, however, replication forks seem to move at comparable rates

throughout S phase, so the extent of chromosome condensation seems to influence

the time at which replication forks are initiated, rather than their speed once


A Large Multisubunit Complex Binds to Eukaryotic Origins of


Having seen that a eukaryotic chromosome is replicated using many origins of

replication, each of which “fires” at a characteristic time in S phase of the cell

cycle, we turn to the nature of these origins of replication. We saw earlier in this

chapter that replication origins have been precisely defined in bacteria as specific

DNA sequences that attract initiator proteins, which then assemble the DNA replication

machinery. We shall see that this is the case for the single-cell budding

yeast S. cerevisiae, but it appears not to be strictly true for most other eukaryotes.

For budding yeast, the location of every origin of replication on each chromosome

has been determined. The particular chromosome shown in Figure 5–30—

chromosome III from S. cerevisiae—is one of the smallest chromosomes known,

with a length less than 1/100 that of a typical human chromosome. Its major origins

are spaced an average of 30,000 nucleotide pairs apart, but only a subset of

these origins is used by a given cell. Nonetheless, this chromosome can be replicated

in about 15 minutes.

The minimal DNA sequence required for directing DNA replication initiation

in S. cerevisiae has been determined by taking a segment of DNA that spans an

origin of replication and testing smaller and smaller DNA fragments for their ability

to function as origins. Most DNA sequences that can serve as an origin of replication

are found to contain (1) a binding site for a large, multisubunit initiator

protein called ORC, for origin recognition complex; (2) a stretch of DNA that is

rich in As and Ts and therefore easy to melt; and (3) at least one binding site for

proteins that facilitate ORC binding, probably by adjusting chromatin structure.

In bacteria, once the initiator protein is properly bound to the single origin

of replication, the assembly of the replication forks seems to follow more or less

automatically. In eukaryotes, the situation is significantly different because of a

profound problem eukaryotes have in replicating chromosomes: with so many

places to begin replication, how is the process regulated to ensure that all the DNA

is copied once and only once?

The answer lies in the sequential manner in which the replicative helicase is

first loaded onto origins and is then activated to initiate DNA replication. This

matter is discussed in detail in Chapter 17, where we consider the machinery that

underlies the cell-division cycle. In brief, during G 1 phase, the replicative helicases

are loaded onto DNA next to ORC to create a prereplicative complex. Then,

upon passage from G 1 phase to S phase, specialized protein kinases come into

play to activate the helicases. The resulting opening of the double helix allows the

loading of the remaining replication proteins, including the DNA polymerases.



origins of replication


0 100


nucleotide pairs (thousands)



Figure 5–30 The origins of DNA

replication on chromosome III of the

yeast S. cerevisiae. This chromosome,

one of the smallest eukaryotic

chromosomes known, carries a total of

180 genes. As indicated, it contains 18

replication origins, although they are used

with different frequencies. Those in red

are typically used in less than 10% of cell

divisions, while those in green are used

about 90% of the time.

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