Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1174 Chapter 21: Development of Multicellular Organisms



after 4 more rounds

of neuroblast division



ganglion mother cell


glial cell

smaller, becomes specialized as a ganglion mother cell. Each ganglion mother cell

will divide only once, giving a pair of neurons, or a neuron plus a glial cell, or a

pair of glial cells, with Notch-mediated interactions helping to drive the daughters

along different paths. The neuroblast itself becomes smaller at each division, as it

parcels out its substance into one ganglion mother cell after another. Eventually,

typically after about 12 cycles, the process halts, presumably because the neuroblast

becomes too small to pass the cell-size checkpoint in the cell-division cycle.

Later, in the larva, neuroblast divisions resume, but now they are accompanied

by cell growth, permitting the process to continue indefinitely and to generate the

much larger numbers of neurons and glial cells required in the adult fly.

Differences in Regulatory DNA Explain Morphological Differences

In the preceding sections, we have seen that animals contain the same essential

cell types, have a similar collection of genes, and share many of the molecular

mechanisms of pattern formation. But how can we square this with the radical

differences that we see in the body




of animals as diverse as a worm, a

fly, a frog, and a mouse? We asserted earlier, in a general way, that these differences

usually seem to reflect differences in the regulatory DNA that calls into play

the components of the conserved basic kit of parts. We must now examine the

evidence a little more closely.

When we compare animal species with similar basic body plans—different

vertebrates, for example, such as fish, birds, and mammals—we find that corresponding

genes usually have similar sets of regulatory elements: the regulatory

DNA sequences have been well conserved and are recognizably homologous in

the different animals. The same is true if we compare different species of nematode

worms or insects. But, when we compare vertebrate regulatory regions with

those of worms or flies, it is hard to see any such resemblance. The protein-coding

sequences are unmistakably similar, but the corresponding regulatory DNA

sequences appear mostly very different, suggesting that the differences in body

plans mainly reflect differences in regulatory DNA. Although variations in the

proteins themselves also contribute, differences in regulatory DNA would be

enough to generate radically different tissues and body structures even if the proteins

were the same.

It is not yet possible to trace the genetic steps that have led to all the spectacular

diversity of animals. Their lineages have diverged over hundreds of millions of

years, and in most cases too many changes have occurred for us to be able to say

that this or that feature results from this or that mutation. The picture is clearer,

however, for more recent evolutionary events. Studies of both closely related animal

populations and plant populations whose members have different morphologies

have revealed that dramatic developmental effects can result from subtle

changes in regulatory DNA.

A well-studied example is the morphological diversity found in stickleback

fish. After the last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago, marine sticklebacks colonized

many newly formed freshwater streams and lakes. Marine sticklebacks

extend sharp spines from their pelvic skeleton. These spines are thought to help

protect the fish from soft-mouthed fish predators. In contrast, several populations

of freshwater sticklebacks have lost these spines, usually in lakes that lack

such predators. The different morphologies reflect differences in control of the

expression of a transcription regulator called Pitx1. Whereas marine sticklebacks

express the Pitx1 gene in the pelvic bone precursor cells that will form the spikes,

Figure 21–36 Neuroblasts and

asymmetric cell division in the central

nervous system of a fly embryo. The

neuroblast originates as a specialized

ectodermal cell. It is singled out by lateral

inhibition and emerges from the basal

(internal) face of the ectoderm. It then

goes through repeated division cycles,

dividing asymmetrically to generate a series

of ganglion mother cells. Each ganglion

mother cell divides just once to give a

pair of differentiated daughters (typically a

neuron plus a glial cell).

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