Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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change’. He said the effect of Co2 could be compared to painting a

wall with red paint in that once two or three coats have been applied

it didn’t ma er how much more you slapped on because the wall

will not get much redder. Almost all the effect of the rise in Co2 has

already happened, he said, and the volume in the atmosphere would

now have to double to increase temperature by a single degree.

Climate hoaxers know this and they have invented the most

ridiculously complicated series of ‘feedback’ loops to try to

overcome this rather devastating fact. You hear puppet Greta going

on cluelessly about feedback loops and this is why.

The Sun affects temperature? No you climate denier

Some other nonsense to contemplate: Climate graphs show that rises

in temperature do not follow rises in Co2 – it’s the other way round

with a lag between the two of some 800 years. If we go back 800

years from present time we hit the Medieval Warm Period when

temperatures were higher than now without any industrialisation

and this was followed by the Li le Ice Age when temperatures

plummeted. The world was still emerging from these centuries of

serious cold when many climate records began which makes the

ever-repeated line of the ‘ho est year since records began’

meaningless when you are not comparing like with like. The coldest

period of the Li le Ice Age corresponded with the lowest period of

sunspot activity when the Sun was at its least active. Proper

scientists will not be at all surprised by this when it confirms the

obvious fact that earth temperature is affected by the scale of Sun

activity and the energetic power that it subsequently emits; but

when is the last time you heard a climate hoaxer talking about the

Sun as a source of earth temperature?? Everything has to be focussed

on Co2 which makes up just 0.117 percent of so-called greenhouse

gases and only a fraction of even that is generated by human activity.

The rest is natural. More than 90 percent of those greenhouse gases

are water vapour and clouds (Fig 9). Ban moisture I say. Have you

noticed that the climate hoaxers no longer use the polar bear as their

promotion image? That’s because far from becoming extinct polar

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