Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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influence and the Cult knows that. I doubt it sleeps too well because

it knows that.

Which Field?

This, I suggest, is how it all works. There are two Fields. One is the

fierce electromagnetic light of the Matrix within the speed of light;

the other is the ‘watery light’ of The Field beyond the walls of the

Matrix that connects with the Great Infinity. Five-sense mind and the

decoding systems of the body a ach us to the Field of Matrix light.

They have to or we could not experience this reality. Five-sense mind

sees only the Matrix Field of information while our expanded

consciousness is part of the Infinity Field. When we open our minds,

and most importantly our hearts, to the Infinity Field we have a

mission control which gives us an expanded perspective, a road

map, to understand the nature of the five-sense world. If we are

isolated only in five-sense mind there is no mission control. We’re on

our own trying to understand a world that’s constantly feeding us

information to ensure we do not understand. People in this state can

feel ‘lost’ and bewildered with no direction or radar. You can see

ever more clearly those who are influenced by the Fields of Big

Infinity or li le five-sense mind simply by their views and behaviour

with regard to the ‘Covid’ hoax. We have had this division

throughout known human history with the mass of the people on

one side and individuals who could see and intuit beyond the walls

of the simulation – Plato’s prisoner who broke out of the cave and

saw reality for what it is. Such people have always been targeted by

Wetiko/Archon-possessed authority, burned at the stake or

demonised as mad, bad and dangerous. The Cult today and its

global network of ‘anti-hate’, ‘anti-fascist’ Woke groups are all

expressions of Wetiko a acking those exposing the conspiracy,

‘Covid’ lies and the ‘vaccine’ agenda.

Woke as a whole is Wetiko which explains its black and white

mentality and how at one it is with the Wetiko-possessed Cult. Paul

Levy said: ‘To be in this paradigm is to still be under the thrall of a

two-valued logic – where things are either true or false – of a

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