Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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cells at the growing apex of the plant shoot—the apical meristem. During ordinary

vegetative growth, these cells behave as stem cells, generating a steady succession

of new leaves and new segments of stalk. In flowering, the meristem cells switch

to making the components of a flower, with its sepals and petals, its stamens carrying

pollen, and its ovary containing the female gametes.

To time the switch correctly, the plant has to take account of both past and

present conditions. One important cue, for many plants, is day length. To sense

this, the plant uses its circadian clock—an endogenous 24-hour rhythm of gene

expression—to generate a signal for flowering only when there is light for the

appropriate part of the day. The clock itself is influenced by light, and the plant

in effect uses the clock to compare past to present lighting conditions. Important

parts of the genetic circuitry underlying these phenomena have been identified,

including the phytochromes and cryptochromes that act as light receptors (discussed

in Chapter 15). The flowering signal that is carried from the leaves to the

stem cells via the vasculature depends on the product of Flowering locus T (Ft).

But this signal will trigger flowering only if the plant is in a receptive condition

from prior long-term cold exposure. Many plants need winter before they

will flower—a process called vernalization. Cold over a period of weeks or months

progressively reduces the level of expression of a remarkable gene called Flowering

locus C (Flc). Flc encodes a transcriptional repressor that suppresses expression

of the Ft flowering promoter.

How does vernalization shut down Flc so as to lift the block to flowering? The

effect involves a noncoding RNA called Coolair that overlaps with the Flc gene and

is produced when the temperature is low (Figure 21–44). Together with cold-induced

chromatin modifiers, including Polycomb-group proteins, Coolair coordinates

the switching of Flc chromatin to a silent state (discussed in Chapters 4 and

7). The degree of silencing depends on the length of cold exposure enabling the

plants to distinguish the odd chilly night from the whole of winter.

The effect on the chromatin is long lasting, persisting through many rounds

of cell division even as the weather grows warmer. Thus vernalization creates a

persistent block in production of Flc, enabling the Ft signal to be generated when

day length is sufficiently long.

Flc active

flowering genes


open chromatin

Flc gene





Coolair RNA

made at lower


Flc inactive

flowering genes


Flc inactive

flowering genes


closed chromatin




Figure 21–44 Temporal control of

flowering in Arabidopsis. The Flc gene

is active and blocks flowering when plants

have been grown without exposure to

winterlike temperatures. Exposure to a

prolonged period of cold leads to the

production of the noncoding RNA Coolair,

which overlaps with the Flc gene. Coolair

induces long-term chromatin changes that

turn off Flc. These changes persist after

the end of the cold period and allow the

plant to flower when other environmental

conditions are favorable for flowering.

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