Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1190 Chapter 21: Development of Multicellular Organisms

epidermal cells in fly wing sensory hair cells in mouse ear epidermal cells in fly wing sensory hair cells in mouse ear

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Flamingo MUTANT

Figure 21–51 Planar cell polarity. (A) Wing hairs on the wing of a fly. Each cell in the wing epithelium forms a small, spiky

protrusion or “hair” at its apex, and all the hairs point the same way, toward the tip of the wing. This reflects a planar polarity in

the structure of each cell. (B) Sensory hair cells in the inner ear of a mouse similarly have a well-defined planar polarity, manifest

in the oriented pattern of stereocilia (actin-filled protrusions) on their surface. The detection of sound depends on the correct,

coordinated orientation of the hair cells. (C) A mutation in the gene Flamingo in the fly, coding for a nonclassical cadherin,

disrupts the pattern of planar cell polarity MBoC6 in m19.32/22.49

the wing. (D) A mutation in a homologous Flamingo gene in the mouse randomizes

the orientation of the planar cell polarity vector of the hair cells in the ear. The mutant mice are deaf. (A and C, from J. Chae et

al., Development 126:5421–5429, 1999. With permission from The Company of Biologists; B and D, from J.A. Curtin et al.,

Curr. Biol. 13:1129–1133, 2003. With permission from Elsevier.)

components of the Wnt signaling pathway, others code for specialized members

of the cadherin superfamily, while the functions of others are uncertain. These

components of planar-cell-polarity signaling are assembled at cell–cell junctions

in the epithelium in such a way as to exert a polarizing influence that can propagate

from cell to cell. Essentially the same system of proteins controls planar cell

polarity in vertebrates; mice deficient in homologs of the Drosophila planar polarity

genes have a variety of defects, including incorrectly oriented hair cells in the

inner ear, making them deaf (Figure 21–51).

Interactions Between an Epithelium and Mesenchyme Generate

Branching Tubular Structures

Animals require specialized types of epithelial surfaces for many functions,

including excretion, absorption of nutrients, and gas exchange. Where large surfaces

are required, they are often organized as branching tubular structures. The

lung is an example. It originates from epithelial buds that grow out from the floor

of the foregut and invade neighboring mesenchyme to form the bronchial tree, a

system of tubes that branch repeatedly as they extend. Endothelial cells that form

the lining of blood vessels invade the same mesenchyme, thereby creating a system

of closely apposed airways and blood vessels, as required for gas exchange in

the lung (Figure 21–52). This whole process of branching morphogenesis depends

on signals that pass in both directions between the growing epithelial buds and

the mesenchyme. Genetic studies in mice indicate that FGF proteins and their

receptor tyrosine kinases play a central part in these signaling processes. FGF signaling

has various roles in development, but it is especially important in the many

interactions that occur between a developing epithelium and mesenchyme.

In the case of lung development, FGF10 is expressed in clusters of mesenchyme

cells that lie near the tips of the growing epithelial tubes, and its receptor is

expressed in the invading epithelial cells. In FGF10-deficient mutant mice, a primary

bud of lung epithelium is formed but fails to grow out into the mesenchyme

to create a branching bronchial tree. Conversely, a microscopic bead soaked in

Figure 21–52 The airways of the lung,

shown in a cast of the adult human

bronchial tree. Resins of different colors

have been injected into different branches

of the tree of airways. (From R. Warwick

and P.L. Williams, Gray’s Anatomy, 35th ed.

Edinburgh: Longman, 1973.)

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