Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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938 Chapter 16: The Cytoskeleton






attachment to

another microtubule


tail AAA domains stalk AAA domains


attached to stalk



P i

power stroke,

8 nm

AAA domains

in motor head

major ATPase

C-terminal domain

15 nm


Figure 16–59 The power stroke of

dynein. (A) The organization of the

domains in each dynein heavy chain. This

is a huge polypeptide, containing nearly

4000 amino acids. The number of heavy

chains in a dynein is equal to its number

of motor heads. (B) Illustration of dynein

c, a monomeric axonemal dynein found in

the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas

reinhardtii. The large dynein motor head

is a planar ring containing a C-terminal

domain (gray) and six AAA domains, four

of which retain ATP-binding sequences,

but only one of which (dark red) has the

major ATPase activity. Extending from

the head are a long, coiled-coil stalk with

the microtubule-binding site at the tip,

and a tail that attaches to an adjacent

microtubule in the axoneme. In the ATPbound

state, the stalk is detached from

the microtubule, but ATP hydrolysis

causes stalk–microtubule attachment (left).

Subsequent release of ADP and phosphate

(P i ) then leads to a large conformational

“power stroke” involving rotation of the

head and stalk relative to the tail (right).

Each cycle generates a step of about 8 nm,

thereby contributing to flagellar beating (see

Figure 16–65). In the case of cytoplasmic

dynein, the tail is attached to a cargo such

as a vesicle, and a single power stroke

transports the cargo about 8-nm along

the microtubule toward its minus end (see

Figure 16–60). (C) Electron micrographs of

purified monomeric dyneins in two different

conformations representing different steps

in the mechanochemical cycle. (C, from

S.A. Burgess et al., Nature 421:715–718,

2003. With permission from Macmillan

Publishers Ltd.)

Dyneins are the largest of the known molecular motors, and they are also

among the fastest: axonemal dyneins attached to a glass slide can move microtubules

at the rate of 14 MBoC6 μm/sec. m16.64/16.59 The dynein motor is structurally unrelated to

myosins and kinesins, but still follows the general rule of coupling nucleotide

hydrolysis to microtubule binding and unbinding as well as to a force-generating

conformational change (Figure 16–59).

Microtubules and Motors Move Organelles and Vesicles

A major function of cytoskeletal motors in interphase cells is the transport and

positioning of membrane-enclosed organelles (Movie 16.10). Kinesin was originally

identified as the protein responsible for fast anterograde axonal transport,

the rapid movement of mitochondria, secretory vesicle precursors, and various

synapse components down the microtubule highways of the axon to the distant

nerve terminals. Cytoplasmic dynein was identified as the motor responsible for

transport in the opposite direction, retrograde axonal transport. Although organelles

in most cells need not cover such long distances, their polarized transport

is equally necessary. A typical microtubule array in an interphase cell is oriented

with the minus ends near the center of the cell at the centrosome and the plus

ends extending to the cell periphery. Thus, centripetal movements of organelles

or vesicles toward the cell center require the action of minus-end directed cytoplasmic

dynein motors, whereas centrifugal movements toward the periphery

require plus-end directed kinesin motors. Interestingly, in animal cells, nearly all

minus-end directed transport is driven by the single cytoplasmic dynein 1 motor,

whereas 15 different kinesins are used for plus-end directed transport.

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