Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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not ‘vaccines’ made the difference? None of it makes sense on the

face of it. Oh, but it does. The Cult wants lockdowns and the

‘vaccine’ and if the ‘vaccine’ is allowed to be seen as the total answer

lockdowns would no longer be justified when there are still

livelihoods to destroy. ‘Variants’ and renewed upward manipulation

of PCR amplification are planned to instigate never-ending

lockdown and more ‘vaccines’.

You must have it – we’re desperate

Israel, where the Jewish and Arab population are ruled by the

Sabbatian Cult, was the front-runner in imposing the DNAmanipulating

‘vaccine’ on its people to such an extent that Jewish

refusers began to liken what was happening to the early years of

Nazi Germany. This would seem to be a fantastic claim. Why would

a government of Jewish people be acting like the Nazis did? If you

realise that the Sabbatian Cult was behind the Nazis and that

Sabbatians hate Jews the pieces start to fit and the question of why a

‘Jewish’ government would treat Jews with such callous disregard

for their lives and freedom finds an answer. Those controlling the

government of Israel aren’t Jewish – they’re Sabbatian. Israeli lawyer

Tamir Turgal was one who made the Nazi comparison in comments

to German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich who is leading a class action

lawsuit against the psychopaths for crimes against humanity. Turgal

described how the Israeli government was vaccinating children and

pregnant women on the basis that there was no evidence that this

was dangerous when they had no evidence that it wasn’t dangerous

either. They just had no evidence. This was medical experimentation

and Turgal said this breached the Nuremberg Code about medical

experimentation and procedures requiring informed consent and

choice. Think about that. A Nuremberg Code developed because of

Nazi experimentation on Jews and others in concentration camps by

people like the evil-beyond-belief Josef Mengele is being breached by

the Israeli government; but when you know that it’s a Sabbatian

government along with its intelligence and military agencies like

Mossad, Shin Bet and the Israeli Defense Forces, and that Sabbatians

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