Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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is naturally in the body or relates to remnants of old conditions of

various kinds lying dormant and causing no disease. Once the

amplification of the PCR reaches a certain level everyone will test

positive. So much of the material has been made sensitive to the test

that everyone will have some part of it in their body. Even lying

criminals like Fauci have said that once PCR amplifications pass 35

cycles everything will be a false positive that cannot be trusted for

the reasons I have described. I say, like many proper doctors and

scientists, that 100 percent of the ‘positives’ are false, but let’s just go

with Fauci for a moment.

He says that any amplification over 35 cycles will produce false

positives and yet the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have recommended up to 40

cycles and the National Health Service (NHS) in Britain admi ed in

an internal document for staff that it was using 45 cycles of

amplification. A long list of other countries has been doing the same

and at least one ‘testing’ laboratory has been using 50 cycles. Have

you ever heard a doctor, medical ‘expert’ or the media ask what level

of amplification has been used to claim a ‘positive’. The ‘test’ comes

back ‘positive’ and so you have the ‘virus’, end of story. Now we can

see how the government in Tanzania could send off samples from a

goat and a pawpaw fruit under human names and both came back

positive for ‘Covid-19’. Tanzania president John Magufuli mocked

the ‘Covid’ hysteria, the PCR test and masks and refused to import

the DNA-manipulating ‘vaccine’. The Cult hated him and an article

sponsored by the Bill Gates Foundation appeared in the London

Guardian in February, 2021, headed ‘It’s time for Africa to rein in

Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president’. Well, ‘reined in’ he shortly was.

Magufuli appeared in good health, but then, in March, 2021, he was

dead at 61 from ‘heart failure’. He was replaced by Samia Hassan

Suhulu who is connected to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum

and she immediately reversed Magufuli’s ‘Covid’ policy. A sample of

cola tested positive for ‘Covid’ with the PCR test in Germany while

American actress and singer-songwriter Erykah Badu tested positive

in one nostril and negative in the other. Footballer Ronaldo called

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