Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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another: from a set of erratic individual data points to a simpler description of the

key features of the data.

Statistics teaches us that the more times we repeat our measurements, the better

and more refined the conclusions we can draw from them. Given many repetitions,

it becomes possible to describe our data in terms of variables that summarize

the features that matter: the mean value of the measured variable, taken over

the set of data points; the magnitude of the noise (the standard deviation of the

set of data points); the likely error in our estimate of the mean value (the standard

error of the mean); and, for specialists, the details of the probability distribution

describing the likelihood that an individual measurement will yield a given value.

For all these things, statistics provides recipes and quantitative formulas that biologists

must understand if they are to make rigorous conclusions on the basis of

variable results.


Quantitative mathematical analysis can provide a powerful extra dimension in our

understanding of cell regulation and function. Cell regulatory systems often depend

on macromolecular interactions, and mathematical analysis of the dynamics of

these interactions can unveil important insights into the importance of binding

affinities and protein stability in the generation of transcriptional or other signals.

Regulatory systems often employ network motifs that generate useful behaviors:

a rapid negative feedback loop dampens the response to input signals; a delayed

negative feedback loop creates a biochemical oscillator; positive feedback yields a

system that alternates between two stable states; and feed-forward motifs provide

systems that generate transient signal pulses or respond only to sustained inputs.

The dynamic behavior of these network motifs can be dissected in detail with deterministic

and stochastic mathematical modeling.

What we don’t know

• Many of the tools that revolutionized

DNA technology were discovered by

scientists studying basic biological

problems that had no obvious

applications. What are the best

strategies to ensure that such crucially

important technologies will continue to

be discovered?

• As the cost of DNA sequencing

decreases and the amount of

sequence data accumulates, how

are we going to keep track of and

meaningfully analyze this vast amount

of information? What new questions

will this information allow us to answer?

• Can we develop tools to analyze

each of the post-transcriptional

modifications on the proteins in living

cells, so as to follow all of their

changes in real time?

• Can we develop mathematical

models to accurately describe the

enormous complexity of cellular

networks and to predict undiscovered

components and mechanisms?


Which statements are true? Explain why or why not.

8–1 Because a monoclonal antibody recognizes a specific

antigenic site (epitope), it binds only to the specific

protein against which it was made.

8–2 Given the inexorable march of technology, it

seems inevitable that the sensitivity of detection of molecules

will ultimately be pushed beyond the yoctomole

level (10 –24 mole).

8–3 If each cycle of PCR doubles the amount of DNA

synthesized in the previous cycle, then 10 cycles will give a

10 3 -fold amplification, 20 cycles will give a 10 6 -fold amplification,

and 30 cycles will give a 10 9 -fold amplification.

8–4 To judge the biological importance of an interaction

between protein A and protein B, we need to know

quantitative details about their concentrations, affinities,

and kinetic behaviors.

8–5 The rate of change in the concentration of any

molecular species X is given by the balance between its

rate of appearance and its rate of disappearance.

8–6 After a sudden increase in transcription, a protein

with a slow rate of degradation will reach a new steady

state level more quickly than a protein with a rapid rate of


Discuss the following problems.

8–7 A common step in the isolation of cells from a

sample of animal tissue is to treat the tissue with trypsin,

collagenase, and EDTA. Why is such a treatment necessary,

and what does each component accomplish? And

why does this treatment not kill the cells?

8–8 Tropomyosin, at 93 kd, sediments at 2.6S, whereas

the 65-kd protein, hemoglobin, sediments at 4.3S. (The

sedimentation coefficient S is a linear measure of the rate

of sedimentation.) These two proteins are drawn to scale

in Figure Q8–1. How is it that the bigger protein sediments

more slowly than the smaller one? Can you think of an

analogy from everyday experience that might help you

with this problem?


Figure Q8–1 Scale models of tropomyosin

and hemoglobin (Problem 8–8).


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