Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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established both scalpel and drug ‘medicine’ and the World Health

Organization. They play a major role in the development and

circulation of vaccines through the Rockefeller Foundation on which

Bill Gates said his Foundation is based. Why wouldn’t this be the

case when the Rockefellers and Gates are on the same team? Cult

infiltration of human society goes way back into what we call history

and has been constantly expanding and centralising power with the

goal of establishing a global structure to dictate everything. Look

how this has been advanced in great leaps with the ‘Covid’ hoax.

The non-human dimension

I researched and observed the comings and goings of Cult operatives

through the centuries and even thousands of years as they were

born, worked to promote the agenda within the secret society and

satanic networks, and then died for others to replace them. Clearly

there had to be a coordinating force that spanned this entire period

while operatives who would not have seen the end goal in their

lifetimes came and went advancing the plan over millennia. I went

in search of that coordinating force with the usual support from the

extraordinary synchronicity of my life which has been an almost

daily experience since 1990. I saw common themes in religious texts

and ancient cultures about a non-human force manipulating human

society from the hidden. Christianity calls this force Satan, the Devil

and demons; Islam refers to the Jinn or Djinn; Zulus have their

Chitauri (spelt in other ways in different parts of Africa); and the

Gnostic people in Egypt in the period around and before 400AD

referred to this phenomena as the ‘Archons’, a word meaning rulers

in Greek. Central American cultures speak of the ‘Predators’ among

other names and the same theme is everywhere. I will use ‘Archons’

as a collective name for all of them. When you see how their nature

and behaviour is described all these different sources are clearly

talking about the same force. Gnostics described the Archons in

terms of ‘luminous fire’ while Islam relates the Jinn to ‘smokeless

fire’. Some refer to beings in form that could occasionally be seen,

but the most common of common theme is that they operate from

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