Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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that lockdown fascism was to ‘protect the vulnerable’ like elderly

people. At the same time Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders were

placed on their medical files so that if they needed resuscitation it

wasn’t done and ‘Covid-19’ went on their death certificates. Old

people were not being ‘protected’ they were being culled –

murdered in truth. DNR orders were being decreed for disabled and

young people with learning difficulties or psychological problems.

The UK Care Quality Commission, a non-departmental body of the

Department of Health and Social Care, found that 34 percent of

those working in health and social care were pressured into placing

‘do not a empt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ orders on ‘Covid’

patients who suffered from disabilities and learning difficulties

without involving the patient or their families in the decision. UK

judges ruled that an elderly woman with dementia should have the

DNA-manipulating ‘Covid vaccine’ against her son’s wishes and that

a man with severe learning difficulties should have the jab despite

his family’s objections. Never mind that many had already died. The

judiciary always supports doctors and government in fascist

dictatorships. They wouldn’t dare do otherwise. A horrific video was

posted showing fascist officers from Los Angeles police forcibly

giving the ‘Covid’ shot to women with special needs who were

screaming that they didn’t want it. The same fascists are seen giving

the jab to a sleeping elderly woman in a care home. This is straight

out of the Nazi playbook. Hitler’s Nazis commi ed mass murder of

the mentally ill and physically disabled throughout Germany and

occupied territories in the programme that became known as Aktion

T4, or just T4. Sabbatian-controlled Hitler and his grotesque crazies

set out to kill those they considered useless and unnecessary. The

Reich Commi ee for the Scientific Registering of Hereditary and

Congenital Illnesses registered the births of babies identified by

physicians to have ‘defects’. By 1941 alone more than 5,000 children

were murdered by the state and it is estimated that in total the

number of innocent people killed in Aktion T4 was between 275,000

and 300,000. Parents were told their children had been sent away for

‘special treatment’ never to return. It is rather pathetic to see claims

about plans for new extermination camps being dismissed today

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