Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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cloud in our brains ... We’re going to gradually merge and enhance ourselves ... In my view,

that’s the nature of being human – we transcend our limitations. As the technology becomes

vastly superior to what we are then the small proportion that is still human gets smaller and

smaller and smaller until it’s just utterly negligible.

They are trying to sell this end-of-humanity-as-we-know-it as the

next stage of ‘evolution’ when we become super-human and ‘like the

gods’. They are lying to you. Shocked, eh? The population, and again

especially the young, have been manipulated into addiction to

technologies designed to enslave them for life. First they induced an

addiction to smartphones (holdables); next they moved to

technology on the body (wearables); and then began the invasion of

the body (implantables). I warned way back about the plan for

microchipped people and we are now entering that era. We should

not be diverted into thinking that this refers only to chips we can see.

Most important are the nanochips known as smart dust, neural dust

and nanobots which are far too small to be seen by the human eye.

Nanotechnology is everywhere, increasingly in food products, and

released into the atmosphere by the geoengineering of the skies

funded by Bill Gates to ‘shut out the Sun’ and ‘save the planet from

global warming’. Gates has been funding a project to spray millions

of tonnes of chalk (calcium carbonate) into the stratosphere over

Sweden to ‘dim the Sun’ and cool the Earth. Scientists warned the

move could be disastrous for weather systems in ways no one can

predict and opposition led to the Swedish space agency announcing

that the ‘experiment’ would not be happening as planned in the

summer of 2021; but it shows where the Cult is going with dimming

the impact of the Sun and there’s an associated plan to change the

planet’s atmosphere. Who gives psychopath Gates the right to

dictate to the entire human race and dismantle planetary systems?

The world will not be safe while this man is at large.

The global warming hoax has made the Sun, like the gas of life,

something to fear when both are essential to good health and human

survival (more inversion). The body transforms sunlight into vital

vitamin D through a process involving … cholesterol. This is the

cholesterol we are also told to fear. We are urged to take Big Pharma

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