Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Private jets for climate justice

The Cult-owned, Gates-funded, World Economic Forum and its

founder Klaus Schwab were behind the emergence of Greta

Thunberg to harness the young behind the climate agenda and she

was invited to speak to the world at … the UN. Schwab published a

book, Covid-19: The Great Reset in 2020 in which he used the ‘Covid’

hoax and the climate hoax to lay out a new society straight out of

Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Bill Gates followed in early 2021 when

he took time out from destroying the world to produce a book in his

name about the way to save it. Gates flies across the world in private

jets and admi ed that ‘I probably have one of the highest

greenhouse gas footprints of anyone on the planet … my personal

flying alone is gigantic.’ He has also bid for the planet’s biggest

private jet operator. Other climate change saviours who fly in private

jets include John Kerry, the US Special Presidential Envoy for

Climate, and actor Leonardo DiCaprio, a ‘UN Messenger of Peace

with special focus on climate change’. These people are so full of

bullshit they could corner the market in manure. We mustn’t be

sceptical, though, because the Gates book, How to Avoid a Climate

Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need, is a

genuine a empt to protect the world and not an obvious pile of

excrement a ributed to a mega-psychopath aimed at selling his

masters’ plans for humanity. The Gates book and the other shite-pile

by Klaus Schwab could have been wri en by the same person and

may well have been. Both use ‘climate change’ and ‘Covid’ as the

excuses for their new society and by coincidence the Cult’s World

Economic Forum and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation promote

the climate hoax and hosted Event 201 which pre-empted with a

‘simulation’ the very ‘coronavirus’ hoax that would be simulated for

real on humanity within weeks. The British ‘royal’ family is

promoting the ‘Reset’ as you would expect through Prince ‘climate

change caused the war in Syria’ Charles and his hapless son Prince

William who said that we must ‘reset our relationship with nature

and our trajectory as a species’ to avoid a climate disaster. Amazing

how many promotors of the ‘Covid’ and ‘climate change’ control

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