Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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‘virus’ you call SARS-Cov-2 or humans are warming the planet with

their behaviour. Next this becomes, via Cult networks, the

foundation of government, academic and science policy and belief.

Those who parrot the mantra are given big grants to produce

research that confirms the narrative is true and ever more

‘symptoms’ are added to make the ‘virus’/’climate change’ sound

even more scary. Scientists and researchers who challenge the

narrative have their grants withdrawn and their careers destroyed.

The media promote the lie as the unquestionable truth and censor

those with an alternative view or evidence. A great percentage of the

population believe what they are told as the lie becomes an

everybody-knows-that and the believing-masses turn on those with

a mind of their own. The technique has been used endlessly

throughout human history. Wokers are the biggest promotors of the

climate lie and ‘Covid’ fascism because their minds are owned by the

Cult; their sense of self-righteous self-purity knows no bounds; and

they exist in a bubble of reality in which facts are irrelevant and only

get in the way of looking without seeing.

Running through all of this like veins in a blue cheese is control of

information, which means control of perception, which means

control of behaviour, which collectively means control of human

society. The Cult owns the global media and Silicon Valley fascists

for the simple reason that it has to. Without control of information it

can’t control perception and through that human society. Examine

every facet of the Cult agenda and you will see that anything

supporting its introduction is never censored while anything

pushing back is always censored. I say again: Psychopaths that know

why they are doing this must go before Nuremberg trials and those

that follow their orders must trot along behind them into the same

dock. ‘I was just following orders’ didn’t work the first time and it

must not work now. Nuremberg trials must be held all over the

world before public juries for politicians, government officials,

police, compliant doctors, scientists and virologists, and all Cult

operatives such as Gates, Tedros, Fauci, Vallance, Whi y, Ferguson,

Zuckerberg, Wojcicki, Brin, Page, Dorsey, the whole damn lot of

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