Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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906 Chapter 16: The Cytoskeleton

in vitro, when the monomer concentration is 0.2 μM, filament half-life, a measure

of how long an individual actin monomer spends in a filament as it treadmills, is

approximately 30 minutes. In a non-muscle vertebrate cell, actin half-life in filaments

is only 30 seconds, demonstrating that cellular factors modify the dynamic

behavior of actin filaments. Actin-binding proteins dramatically alter actin filament

dynamics and organization through spatial and temporal control of monomer

availability, filament nucleation, elongation, and depolymerization. In the

following sections, we describe the ways in which these accessory proteins modify

actin function in the cell.

Monomer Availability Controls Actin Filament Assembly

In most non-muscle vertebrate cells, approximately 50% of the actin is in

filaments and 50% is soluble—and yet the soluble monomer concentration is

50–200 μM, well above the critical concentration. Why does so little of the actin

polymerize into filaments? The reason is that the cell contains proteins that bind

to the actin monomers and make polymerization much less favorable (an action

similar to that of the drug latrunculin). A small protein called thymosin is the most

abundant of these proteins. Actin monomers bound to thymosin are in a locked

state, where they cannot associate with either the plus or minus ends of actin filaments

and can neither hydrolyze nor exchange their bound nucleotide.

How do cells recruit actin monomers from this buffered storage pool and use

them for polymerization? The answer depends on another monomer-binding protein

called profilin. Profilin binds to the face of the actin monomer opposite the

ATP-binding cleft, blocking the side of the monomer that would normally associate

with the filament minus end, while leaving exposed the site on the monomer

that binds to the plus end (Figure 16–15). When the profilin–actin complex binds

a free plus end, a conformational change in actin reduces its affinity for profilin

and the profilin falls off, leaving the actin filament one subunit longer. Profilin

competes with thymosin for binding to individual actin monomers. Thus, by regulating

the local activity of profilin, cells can control the movement of actin subunits

from the sequestered thymosin-bound pool onto filament plus ends.

Several mechanisms regulate profilin activity, including profilin phosphorylation

and profilin binding to inositol phospholipids. These mechanisms can define

the sites where profilin acts. For example, profilin is required for filament assembly

at the plasma membrane, where it is recruited by an interaction with acidic

membrane phospholipids. At this location, extracellular signals can activate profilin

to produce local actin polymerization and the extension of actin-rich motile

structures such as filopodia and lamellipodia.

Actin-Nucleating Factors Accelerate Polymerization and Generate

Branched or Straight Filaments

In addition to the availability of active actin subunits, a second prerequisite for

cellular actin polymerization is filament nucleation. Proteins that contain actin

monomer binding motifs linked in tandem mediate the simplest mechanism of

filament nucleation. These actin-nucleating proteins bring several actin subunits

together to form a seed. In most cases, actin nucleation is catalyzed by one of two

different types of factors: the Arp 2/3 complex or the formins. The first of these is

a complex of proteins that includes two actin-related proteins, or ARPs, each of

which is about 45% identical to actin. The Arp 2/3 complex nucleates actin filament

growth from the minus end, allowing rapid elongation at the plus end (Figure

16–16A and B). The complex can attach to the side of another actin filament

while remaining bound to the minus end of the filament that it has nucleated,

thereby building individual filaments into a treelike web (Figure 16–16C and D).

Formins are dimeric proteins that nucleate the growth of straight, unbranched

filaments that can be cross-linked by other proteins to form parallel bundles. Each

formin subunit has a binding site for monomeric actin, and the formin dimer

appears to nucleate actin filament polymerization by capturing two monomers.

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