Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities,

societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community,

etc.’ Governments exercise control over rather than serve just like the

monarchies before them. Bizarrely there are still countries like the

United Kingdom which are ruled by a monarch and a government

that officially answers to the monarch. The UK head of state and that

of Commonwealth countries such as Canada, Australia and New

Zealand is ‘selected’ by who in a single family had unprotected sex

with whom and in what order. Pinch me it can’t be true. Ouch! Shit,

it is. The demise of monarchies in most countries offered a potential

vacuum in which some form of free and fair society could arise and

the Cult had that base covered. Monarchies had served its interests

but they couldn’t continue in the face of such widespread opposition

and, anyway, replacing a ‘royal’ dictatorship that people could see

with a dictatorship ‘of the people’ hiding behind the concept of

‘democracy’ presented far greater manipulative possibilities and

ways of hiding coordinated tyranny behind the illusion of ‘freedom’.

Democracy is quite wrongly defined as government selected by

the population. This is not the case at all. It is government selected

by some of the population (and then only in theory). This ‘some’

doesn’t even have to be the majority as we have seen so o en in firstpast-the-post

elections in which the so-called majority party wins

fewer votes than the ‘losing’ parties combined. Democracy can give

total power to a party in government from a minority of the votes

cast. It’s a sleight of hand to sell tyranny as freedom. Seventy-four

million Trump-supporting Americans didn’t vote for the

‘Democratic’ Party of Joe Biden in the distinctly dodgy election in

2020 and yet far from acknowledging the wishes and feelings of that

great percentage of American society the Cult-owned Biden

government set out from day one to destroy them and their right to a

voice and opinion. Empty shell Biden and his Cult handlers said

they were doing this to ‘protect democracy’. Such is the level of

lunacy and sickness to which politics has descended. Connect the

dots and relate them to the desired outcome – a world government

run by self-appointed technocrats and no longer even elected

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