Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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organisation that supports violent riots and wants to destroy the

nuclear family and white people.

He’s not white? Shucks!

Woke obsession with race was on display again when ten people

were shot dead in Boulder, Colorado, in March, 2021. Cult-owned

Woke TV channels like CNN said the shooter appeared to be a white

man and Wokers were on Twi er condemning ‘violent white men’

with the usual mantras. Then the shooter’s name was released as

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, an anti-Trump Arab-American, and the sigh

of disappointment could be heard five miles away. Never mind that

ten people were dead and what that meant for their families. Race

baiting was all that ma ered to these sick Cult-serving people like

Barack Obama who exploited the deaths to further divide America

on racial grounds which is his job for the Cult. This is the man that

‘racist’ white Americans made the first black president of the United

States and then gave him a second term. Not-very-bright Obama has

become filthy rich on the back of that and today appears to have a

big influence on the Biden administration. Even so he’s still a

downtrodden black man and a victim of white supremacy. This

disingenuous fraud reveals the contempt he has for black people

when he puts on a Deep South Alabama accent whenever he talks to

them, no, at them.

Another BLM red flag was how the now fully-Woke (fully-Cult)

and fully-virtue-signalled professional soccer authorities had their

teams taking the knee before every match in support of Marxist

Black Lives Ma er. Soccer authorities and clubs displayed ‘Black

Lives Ma er’ on the players’ shirts and flashed the name on

electronic billboards around the pitch. Any fans that condemned

what is a Freemasonic taking-the-knee ritual were widely

condemned as you would expect from the Woke virtue-signallers of

professional sport and the now fully-Woke media. We have reverse

racism in which you are banned from criticising any race or culture

except for white people for whom anything goes – say what you like,

no problem. What has this got to do with racial harmony and

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