Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Baltimore. That is not to say Central America cannot be a dangerous

place and Cult-controlled American governments have been making

it so since way back, along with the dismantling of economies, in a

long-term plan to drive people north into the United States. Parts of

Central America are very dangerous, but in other areas the story is

being greatly exaggerated to justify relaxing immigration criteria.

Migrants are being offered free healthcare and education in the

United States as another incentive to head for the border and there is

no requirement to be financially independent before you can enter to

prevent the resources of America being drained. You can’t blame

migrants for seeking what they believe will be a be er life, but they

are being played by the Cult for dark and nefarious ends. The

numbers since Biden took office are huge. In February, 2021, more

than 100,000 people were known to have tried to enter the US

illegally through the southern border (it was 34,000 in the same

month in 2020) and in March it was 170,000 – a 418 percent increase

on March, 2020. These numbers are only known people, not the ones

who get in unseen. The true figure for migrants illegally crossing the

border in a single month was estimated by one congressman at

250,000 and that number will only rise under Biden’s current policy.

Gangs of murdering drug-running thugs that control the Mexican

side of the border demand money – thousands of dollars – to let

migrants cross the Rio Grande into America. At the same time gun

ba les are breaking out on the border several times a week between

rival Mexican drug gangs (which now operate globally) who are

equipped with sophisticated military-grade weapons, grenades and

armoured vehicles. While the Capitol Building was being ‘protected’

from a non-existent ‘threat’ by thousands of troops, and others were

still deployed at the time in the Cult Neocon war in Afghanistan, the

southern border of America was le to its fate. This is not

incompetence, it is cold calculation.

By March, 2021, there were 17,000 unaccompanied children held at

border facilities and many of them are ensnared by people traffickers

for paedophile rings and raped on their journey north to America.

This is not conjecture – this is fact. Many of those designated

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