Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1126 Chapter 20: Cancer


loss of


activation of


loss of Smad4

and other tumor


loss of


other unknown













invasion and


acquisition of increased genetic and epigenetic instability

of oncogenes such as Ras. Experiments in mice show that an initial low level of

oncogene activation can give rise to a slowly growing tumor even while p53 is

functional: genes such as Ras are, after all, part of the normal machinery of growth

control, and moderate activation is not stressful for a cell and does not call the p53

protein into play. Progression of a tumor from slow to rapid, malignant growth,

however, involves activation of oncogenes beyond normal physiological limits to

a higher, stressful level. If the p53 protein is present and functional, this should

lead to cell-cycle arrest or death. Only by losing p53 function can the cancer cells

with hyperactive oncogenes survive and progress.

The steps we have just described are only




of the picture. It is important to

emphasize that each case of colorectal cancer is different, with its own detailed

combination of mutations, and that even for the mutations that are commonly

shared, the sequence of occurrence may vary. The same is true for cancers in general.

Advances in molecular biology have recently provided the tools to find out

precisely which genes are amplified, deleted, mutated, or misregulated by epigenetic

mechanisms in the tumor cells of any given patient. As we discuss in the

next section, such information promises to become as important for the diagnosis

and treatment of cancer as was the breakthrough of being able to identify microorganisms

for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Figure 20–36 Suggested typical

sequence of genetic changes underlying

the development of a colorectal

carcinoma. This oversimplified diagram

provides a general idea of the way mutation

and tumor development are related.

But many other mutations are generally

involved, and different colon cancers can

progress through different sequences of

mutations (and/or epigenetic changes).


The molecular analysis of cancer cells reveals two classes of cancer-critical genes:

oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. A set of these genes becomes altered by a

combination of genetic and epigenetic accidents to drive tumor progression. Many

cancer-critical genes code for components of the social control pathways that regulate

when cells grow, divide, differentiate, or die. In addition, a subclass of tumor

suppressors can be categorized as “genome maintenance genes,” because their normal

role is to help maintain genome integrity.

The inactivation of the p53 pathway, which occurs in nearly all human cancers,

allows genetically damaged cells to escape apoptosis and continue to proliferate.

Inactivation of the Rb pathway also occurs in most human cancers, illustrating how

fundamental each of these pathways is for protecting us against cancer.

The sequencing of cancer cell genomes reveals that—except for the cancers of

childhood—many cancers acquire 10 or so driver mutations over the long course

of tumor progression, along with a considerably larger number of passenger mutations

of no consequence. The same methods reveal how subclones of cells arise and

die out as a tumor ages. Tumors thus contain a heterogeneous mixture of cells,

some—the so-called cancer stem cells—being much more dangerous than others.

We can often correlate the steps of tumor progression with mutations that

activate specific oncogenes and inactivate specific tumor suppressor genes, with

colon cancer providing a good example. But different combinations of mutations

and epigenetic changes are found in different types of cancer, and even in different

patients with the same type of cancer, reflecting the random way in which these

inherited changes arise. Nevertheless, many of the same changes are encountered

repeatedly, suggesting that there are a limited number of ways to breach our

defenses against cancer.

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