Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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When used as a repair mechanism, homologous recombination occurs between

a damaged DNA molecule and its recently duplicated sister molecule, with the

undamaged duplex acting as a template to repair the damaged copy flawlessly.

In meiosis, homologous recombination is initiated by deliberate, carefully regulated

double-strand breaks and occurs preferentially between the homologous chromosomes

rather than the newly replicated sister chromatids. The outcome can be

either two chromosomes that have crossed over (that is, chromosomes in which the

DNA on either side of the site of DNA pairing originates from two different homologs)

or two non-crossover chromosomes. In the latter case, the two chromosomes

that result are identical to the original two homologs, except for relatively minor

DNA sequence changes at the site of recombination.



We have seen that homologous recombination can result in the exchange of DNA

sequences between chromosomes. However, the order of genes on the interacting

chromosomes typically remains the same following homologous recombination,

inasmuch as the recombining sequences must be very similar for the

process to occur. In this section, we describe two very different types of recombination—transposition

(also called transpositional recombination) and conservative

site-specific recombination—that do not require substantial regions of DNA

homology. These two types of recombination reactions can alter gene order along

a chromosome and can cause unusual types of mutations that introduce whole

blocks of DNA sequence into the genome.

Transposition and conservative site-specific recombination are largely dedicated

to moving a wide variety of specialized segments of DNA—collectively

termed mobile genetic elements—from one position in a genome to another. We

will see that mobile genetic elements can range in size from a few hundred to tens

of thousands of nucleotide pairs, and each typically carries a unique set of genes.

Often, one of these genes encodes a specialized enzyme that catalyzes the movement

of only that element, thereby making this type of recombination possible.

Virtually all cells contain mobile genetic elements (known informally as

“jumping genes”). As explained in Chapter 4, over evolutionary time scales, they

have had a profound effect on the shaping of modern genomes. For example,

nearly half of the human genome can be traced to these elements (see Figure

4–62). Over time, random mutation has altered their nucleotide sequences, and,

as a result, only a few of the many copies of these elements in our DNA are still

active and capable of movement. The remainder are molecular fossils whose existence

provides striking clues to our evolutionary history.

Mobile genetic elements are often considered to be molecular parasites (they

are also termed “selfish DNA”) that persist because cells cannot get rid of them;

they certainly have come close to overrunning our own genome. However, mobile

DNA elements can provide benefits to the cell. For example, the genes they carry

are sometimes advantageous, as in the case of antibiotic resistance in bacterial

cells, discussed below. The movement of mobile genetic elements also produces

many of the genetic variants upon which evolution depends, because, in addition

to moving themselves, mobile genetic elements occasionally rearrange neighboring

sequences of the host genome. Thus, spontaneous mutations observed in Drosophila,

humans, and other organisms are often due to the movement of mobile

genetic elements. While many of these mutations will be deleterious to the organism,

some will be advantageous and may spread throughout the population. It is

almost certain that much of the variety of life we see around us originally arose

from the movement of mobile genetic elements.

In this section, we introduce mobile genetic elements and describe the mechanisms

that enable them to move around a genome. We shall see that some of

these elements move through transposition mechanisms and others through conservative

site-specific recombination. We begin with transposition, as there are

many more known examples of this type of movement.

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