Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1106 Chapter 20: Cancer

Different Searches for Oncogenes Converged on the Same


In an attempt to answer the above question, other researchers searched directly

for oncogenes in the genomes of human cancer cells. They did this by searching

for DNA fragments from cancer cells that could provoke uncontrolled proliferation

when introduced into noncancerous cell lines. As tester cells for the assay,

cell lines derived from mouse fibroblasts were used. These cells had been previously

selected for their ability to proliferate indefinitely in culture, and they

are thought to already contain alterations that take them part of the way toward

malignancy. For this reason, the addition of a single oncogene can sometimes be

enough to produce a dramatic effect.

When DNA was extracted from the human tumor cells, broken into fragments,

and introduced into the cultured cells, occasional colonies of abnormally proliferating

cells began to appear in the culture dish. These cells showed a transformed

phenotype, outgrowing the untransformed cells in the culture and piling up in

layer upon layer (see Figure 20–11). Each colony was a clone originating from a

single cell that had incorporated a DNA fragment that drove cancerous behavior.

This fragment, which carried markers of its human origin, could be isolated from

the transformed cultured mouse cells. And once isolated and sequenced, it could

be recognized: it contained a human version of a gene already known from study

of a retrovirus that caused tumors in rats—an oncogene called v-Ras.

The newly discovered oncogene was clearly derived by mutation from a normal

human gene, one of a small family of proto-oncogenes called Ras. This discovery

in the early 1980s of the same oncogene in human tumor cells and in an

animal tumor virus was electrifying. The implication that cancers are caused by

mutations in a limited number of cancer-critical genes transformed our understanding

of the molecular biology of cancer.

As discussed in Chapter 15, normal Ras proteins are monomeric GTPases that

help transmit signals from cell-surface receptors to the cell interior (see Movie

15.7). The Ras oncogenes isolated from human tumors contain point mutations

that create a hyperactive Ras protein that cannot shut itself off by hydrolyzing its

bound GTP to GDP. Because this makes the protein hyperactive, its effect is dominant—that

is, only one of the cell’s two gene copies needs to change to have an

effect. One or another of the three human Ras family members is mutated in perhaps

30% of all human cancers. Ras genes are thus among the most important of

all cancer-critical genes.

Genes Mutated in Cancer Can Be Made Overactive in Many Ways

Figure 20–18 summarizes the types of accidents that can convert a proto-oncogene

into an oncogene. (1) A small change in DNA sequence such as a point
















protein made in

normal amounts

normal protein



normal protein greatly


Figure 20–18 The types of accidents that can convert a proto-oncogene into an oncogene.

nearby regulatory

DNA sequence causes

normal protein to

be overproduced

fusion to actively

transcribed gene

produces hyperactive

fusion protein

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