Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Peter Diamandis, can be seen in a whole new light with the ‘Covid’

hoax and the sanctions against those that refuse the ‘vaccine’:

Anybody who is going to be resisting the progress forward [to transhumanism] is going to be

resisting evolution and, fundamentally, they will die out. It’s not a matter of whether it’s good

or bad. It’s going to happen.

‘Resisting evolution’? What absolute bollocks. The arrogance of these

people is without limit. His ‘it’s going to happen’ mantra is another

way of saying ‘resistance is futile’ to break the spirit of those pushing

back and we must not fall for it. Ge ing this geneticallytransforming

‘vaccine’ into everyone is crucial to the Cult plan for

total control and the desperation to achieve that is clear for anyone

to see. Vaccine passports are a major factor in this and they, too, are a

form of resistance is futile. It’s NOT. The paper funded by the

Rockefeller Foundation for the 2013 ‘health conference’ in China


We will interact more with artificial intelligence. The use of robotics, bio-engineering to

augment human functioning is already well underway and will advance. Re-engineering of

humans into potentially separate and unequal forms through genetic engineering or mixed

human-robots raises debates on ethics and equality.

A new demography is projected to emerge after 2030 [that year again] of technologies

(robotics, genetic engineering, nanotechnology) producing robots, engineered organisms,

‘nanobots’ and artificial intelligence (AI) that can self-replicate. Debates will grow on the

implications of an impending reality of human designed life.

What is happening today is so long planned. The world army

enforcing the will of the world government is intended to be a robot

army, not a human one. Today’s military and its technologically

‘enhanced’ troops, pilotless planes and driverless vehicles are just

stepping stones to that end. Human soldiers are used as Cult fodder

and its time they woke up to that and worked for the freedom of the

population instead of their own destruction and their family’s

destruction – the same with the police. Join us and let’s sort this out.

The phenomenon of enforce my own destruction is widespread in

the ‘Covid’ era with Woker ‘luvvies’ in the acting and entertainment

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