Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Ligand binding to RTKs causes their dimerization, which leads to activation

of their kinase domains. These activated kinase domains phosphorylate multiple

tyrosines on the receptors, producing a set of phosphotyrosines that serve as docking

sites for a set of intracellular signaling proteins, which bind via their SH2 (or

PTB) domains. One such signaling protein serves as an adaptor to couple some

activated receptors to a Ras-GEF (Sos), which activates the monomeric GTPase Ras;

Ras, in turn, activates a three-component MAP kinase signaling module, which

relays the signal to the nucleus by phosphorylating transcription regulatory proteins.

Another important signaling protein that can dock on activated RTKs is PI

3-kinase, which phosphorylates specific phosphoinositides to produce lipid docking

sites in the plasma membrane for signaling proteins with phosphoinositide-binding

PH domains, including the serine/threonine protein kinase Akt (PKB), which

plays a key part in the control of cell survival and cell growth. Many receptor classes,

including some RTKs, activate Rho family monomeric GTPases, which functionally

couple the receptors to the cytoskeleton.

Tyrosine-kinase-associated receptors depend on various cytoplasmic tyrosine

kinases for their action. These kinases include members of the Src family, which

associate with many kinds of receptors, and the focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which

associates with integrins at focal adhesions. The cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases then

phosphorylate a variety of signaling proteins to relay the signal onward. The largest

family of receptors in this class is the cytokine receptor family. When stimulated

by ligand binding, these receptors activate JAK cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases, which

phosphorylate STATs. The STATs then dimerize, translocate to the nucleus, and activate

the transcription of specific genes. Receptor serine/threonine kinases, which

are activated by signal proteins of the TGFβ superfamily, act similarly: they directly

phosphorylate and activate Smads, which then oligomerize with another Smad,

translocate to the nucleus, and regulate gene transcription.



Major changes in the behavior of a cell tend to depend on changes in the expression

of numerous genes. Thus, many extracellular signaling molecules carry out

their effects, in whole or in part, by initiating signaling pathways that change

the activities of transcription regulators. There are numerous examples of gene

regulation in both GPCR and enzyme-coupled receptor pathways (see Figures

15–27 and 15–49). In this section, we describe some of the less common signaling

mechanisms by which gene expression can be controlled. We begin with several

pathways that depend on regulated proteolysis to control the activity and location

of latent transcription regulators. We then turn to a class of extracellular signal

molecules that do not employ cell-surface receptors but enter the cell and interact

directly with transcription regulators to perform their functions. Finally, we

briefly discuss some of the mechanisms by which gene expression is controlled by

the circadian rhythm: the daily cycle of light and dark.

The Receptor Notch Is a Latent Transcription Regulatory Protein

Signaling through the Notch receptor protein is used widely in animal development.

As discussed in Chapter 22, it has a general role in controlling cell fate

choices and regulating pattern formation during the development of most tissues,

as well as in the continual renewal of tissues such as the lining of the gut. It is best

known, however, for its role in the production of Drosophila neural cells, which

usually arise as isolated single cells within an epithelial sheet of precursor cells.

During this process, when a precursor cell commits to becoming a neural cell, it

signals to its immediate neighbors not to do the same; the inhibited cells develop

into epidermal cells instead. This process, called lateral inhibition, depends on a

contact-dependent signaling mechanism that is activated by a single-pass transmembrane

signal protein called Delta, displayed on the surface of the future

neural cell. By binding to the Notch receptor protein on a neighboring cell, Delta

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