Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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why perception is the target 24/7 of the psychopathic manipulators

that I call the Global Cult. They know that if they dictate perception

they will dictate behaviour and collectively dictate the nature of

human society. They are further aware that perception is formed

from information received and if they control the circulation of

information they will to a vast extent direct human behaviour.

Censorship of information and opinion has become globally Nazilike

in recent years and never more blatantly than since the illusory

‘virus pandemic’ was triggered out of China in 2019 and across the

world in 2020. Why have billions submi ed to house arrest and

accepted fascistic societies in a way they would have never believed

possible? Those controlling the information spewing from

government, mainstream media and Silicon Valley (all controlled by

the same Global Cult networks) told them they were in danger from

a ‘deadly virus’ and only by submi ing to house arrest and

conceding their most basic of freedoms could they and their families

be protected. This monumental and provable lie became the

perception of the billions and therefore the behaviour of the billions. In

those few words you have the whole structure and modus operandi

of human control. Fear is a perception – False Emotion Appearing

Real – and fear is the currency of control. In short … get them by the

balls (or give them the impression that you have) and their hearts

and minds will follow. Nothing grips the dangly bits and freezes the

rear-end more comprehensively than fear.

World number 1

There are two ‘worlds’ in what appears to be one ‘world’ and the

prime difference between them is knowledge. First we have the mass

of human society in which the population is maintained in coldlycalculated

ignorance through control of information and the

‘education’ (indoctrination) system. That’s all you really need to

control to enslave billions in a perceptual delusion in which what are

perceived to be their thoughts and opinions are ever-repeated

mantras that the system has been downloading all their lives

through ‘education’, media, science, medicine, politics and academia

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